on the 46th week of 2026 (using ISO standard week number calculation).
51st day of Fall. There are 39 days left till Winter.
Birthstone for this day: Topaz and Citrine
12 November Zodiac Sign
12 November 2026 European Union Holidays & Popular Observances
Day of Remembrance of the fallen soldiers and civilians in International missions for peace (Giornata del ricordo dei Caduti militari e civili nelle missioni internazionali per la pace) - Popular in: Italy
Hungarian Name Day: Jónás, Renátó - Hungary
12 November 2026 Popular Holidays & Observances Worldwide
Day of Remembrance of the fallen soldiers and civilians in International missions for peace (Giornata del ricordo dei Caduti militari e civili nelle missioni internazionali per la pace) - Popular in: Italy
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