Als ik het goed begrijp is Gideon van Meijeren @GideonvMeijeren door @Het_OM beschuldigd van 'opruiing'. Maar hoe noemt het OM onderstaande uitspraken van minister Hugo de Jonge dan? Hierdoor voelde ik me namelijk ronduit bedreigd, als ongevaccineerde tegen Corona. Show more
Naturally I am delighted to have the Labour Whip restored and to be a member of the PLP. Thank you to all those who supported me along the way. I will be campaigning for a Labour victory. But I am very dismayed that numerous reports suggest I have been barred as Show more 1K 3K 219K
Enzo Maresca’s contract at Chelsea will be valid until June 2029 with an option to extend for further season. This will be the agreement with the Italian manager and his staff too, as reported yesterday. Show more
Every day I'm taking so many calls from people who have seen a hedgehog coming out in the open in the day, and have done nothing for 2, sometimes 3 days, because they'd read somewhere that it's normal, it's what hedgehog mums do. Show more