End-of-Year Days Starts

European Union
European Union

End-of-Year Days Starts Quick Facts

2025 Date26 December 2025
2026 Date26 December 2026

End-of-Year Days Starts

End-of-Year Days Starts in

Top X Posts (formerly Tweets) for End-of-Year Days Starts


Date shown for 2025 is estimated as the official date has not been finalized as of February 2025.

End-of-Year Days History

End-of-Year Days is a period dedicated to reflection, gratitude and celebration as people across the globe bid farewell to the outgoing year and welcome the new one. This period provides an opportunity for individuals, communities, and organizations to look back at their achievements, challenges, and memories in the past year, and set goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. It is also a time to foster unity and strengthen relationships through various customs and festivities.

The origin of End-of-Year Days can be traced back to ancient civilizations that recognized the importance of the new year and celebrated it as a significant event. End-of-Year Days is particularly significant in the EU as it provides an occasion to recognize the region's common values and shared history, while also celebrating the unique customs and traditions of each member state.

End-of-Year Days is observed in various ways, including family gatherings, gift exchanges, and special meals. Communities across the region often hold public events and festivities, such as fireworks, concerts, and local gatherings, that help foster a sense of unity and togetherness. Festive markets and fairs are also common during this time, with local vendors offering food, drink, and crafts related to local traditions. End-of-Year Days typically begins on December 31st, with New Year's Eve celebrations, culminating in countdowns and fireworks displays to mark the beginning of the new year on January 1st.

Top facts about End-of-Year Days Starts

  • On the last day of the year in Times Square New York, a New Year’s Eve ball drops to mark the New Year. It was first dropped in 1907 after a fireworks ban.
  • In Colombia, Cuba and Puerto Rico, families stuff a large doll with memories from the past and name the doll “Mr. Old Year” in the days leading up to the New Year.
  • Chinese New Year is celebrated on the second full moon after the winter solstice and does not coincide with western New Years.
  • In Ancient Rome, the New Year used to begin on 1 March. Today 1 March is not used as the first day of the year by any nation.
  • In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States.

End-of-Year Days Top Things to Do

  • Get your finances in order. As the year comes to an end, it is important to set a new budget and organise your finances. Many companies undertake accounting procedures to produce final yearly statements on these days.
  • Get together with family and friends and have a dinner. Try to include some traditional New Years food from other countries such as Scandinavian risgrynsgröt, Central Europe’s pickled herring, Italian cotechino con lenticchie, Eastern European cabbage dumplings, Japanese Osechi and Hispanic 12 grapes.
  • Spend the days leading up to 1 January making your New Year’s resolutions. Regardless of what country you are from or how good or bad you are at things in life, everyone can make a New Year’s resolution. Resolve to improve yourself in one way next year!
  • Watch a movie-marathon. This is a fun way to spend the last days of the year indoors with family and friends, especially if you live up north. Some of our favourite New Year’s movies are Poseidon (2006), When Harry Met Sally (1989), Money Train (1995), New Years Eve (2011) and 200 Cigarettes (1999).
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #EndofYearDays, #NewYearsEve and #LastDaysoftheYear.

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