International Universal Health Coverage Day

Quick Facts in Australia

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2024 Date12 December 2024
2025 Date12 December 2025

International Universal Health Coverage Day

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International Universal Health Coverage Day

International Universal Health Coverage Day aims to highlight the importance of affordable, quality healthcare for everyone worldwide. The principle behind the observance is that access to health services should not cause financial hardship, and it underscores the importance of political investment towards universal health coverage. This day further highlights the right of every individual to health and well-being. It promotes the idea that a strong, effective health system responding to people's needs and expectations is central to improving their health and social well-being.

International Universal Health Coverage Day was first proposed on the 12th of December 2012 by the United Nations General Assembly. Recognising this day in Australia underscores its commitment to comprehensive, universal healthcare for all its citizens. Australia's health system is known globally for its efficiency and effectiveness, and Medicare, its universal health scheme, supports it. This day draws attention to ongoing efforts in Australia to ensure healthcare access for Indigenous Australians, rural populations, and other marginalised groups.

In Australia, International Universal Health Coverage Day is often marked by health promotion activities, panel discussions, and seminars held by health institutions, advocates, and policymakers. These events focus on discussing and addressing gaps in Australia's health coverage and the importance of equitable access to health services. The World Health Organization recognises International Universal Health Coverage Day on the 12th of December each year, a date that Australia and countries around the world also observe.

Facts about Universal Health Coverage

  • The theme for International Universal Health Coverage Day in 2024 was Health: It's on the government!. The theme for International Universal Health Coverage Day in 2024 was Build the World we Want: A Healthy Future for All.
  • According to the World Health Organization, approximatelly 4.5 billion people lack access to health care and 930 milion people spent 10% of their earnings on healthcare, pushing them into poverty.
  • Studies have shown that individuals with health insurance are more likely to have regular check-ups, necessary prescriptions, and preventive care, leading to better overall health outcomes.
  • Indigenous health is a significant concern in Australia, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people having a lower overall life expectancy and experiencing higher rates of preventable diseases than non-Indigenous Australians.
  • The various aspects of the healthcare system are funded through a combination of federal and state government funding, private health insurance premiums, and out-of-pocket payments from individuals. Medicare is primarily funded through an income tax levy, called the Medicare Levy, which is currently set at 2% of taxable income. In addition, high-income earners without private health insurance may be subject to an additional Medicare Levy Surcharge.

Top things to do in Australia for this observance

  • Join the global campaign #ProtectEveryone. On December 12th, International Universal Health Coverage Day, there will be a twenty-four hour virtual rally. Create signs, take selfies, or get out and attempt the 2,030 steps challenge. Do all this and more and be sure to use the tag #ProtectEveryone on social media to raise awareness about Universal Health Coverage.
  • Explore health options in other countries. Health coverage ranges country by country, understand what's available should you plan to travel somewhere.
  • Encourage individuals to write letters or emails to their local representatives, urging them to prioritize and work towards implementing universal health care coverage as a fundamental right for all Australians.
  • Collaborate with national health organizations to lobby for specific legislative actions that can help bring universal health care coverage to Australia.

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