World Egg Day

World Egg Day Quick Facts in Canada

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World Egg Day

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World Egg Day History

World Egg Day highlights the benefits of eggs and their importance in human nutrition. This annual event aims to educate people about the role of eggs in providing high-quality protein, essential vitamins and minerals, and contributing to a nutritious diet. Furthermore, the observance acknowledges the global egg industry's commitment to responsible and sustainable production practices in order to provide nutritious food for people worldwide.

First celebrated in 1996, World Egg Day has grown significantly in reach, now encompassing various activities in numerous countries, including Canada. The Canadian egg industry is known for its high standards in production, quality, and safety, making it an esteemed participant in this global initiative. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada statistics indicate that, in 2020, egg production contributed $1.6 billion to the Canadian economy, demonstrating the industry's significant impact and value. Moreover, Canada's egg farmers play a crucial role in providing consumers with access to sustainably produced, local, and nutritious eggs.

In Canada, World Egg Day is celebrated with events promoting the versatility, taste, and nutritional benefits of eggs. Farmers, retailers, and consumers unite to create awareness around the benefits of eggs through cooking demonstrations, promotional offers, and sharing egg-based recipes on social media platforms. Schools may also take part by organizing educational activities on the significance of eggs and the industry's sustainability efforts. World Egg Day occurs annually on the second Friday of October with this year's celebration taking place on October 13th, 2023.

World Egg Day facts

  • Eggs are a rich source of Choline, a nutrient that a majority of people don’t even know exists. Choline is incredibly important for the human body and is required to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.
  • The nutrient composition of eggs varies depending on the diet of the hens. Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs can contain a higher amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E.
  • Eggs have been enjoyed by humans for thousands of years. They were valued as a symbol of life and fertility.
  • One unique fact about Canadian eggs is all eggs produced in Canada are hormone and steroid-free, by law.
  • According to Egg Farmers of Canada, the egg industry contributes CAD 1.4 billion in tax revenue federally and provincially.

Top things to do in Canada for World Egg Day

  • Buy fresh eggs directly from the source on World Egg Day. Many Canadian towns and cities have great farmers markets where you can purchase eggs, learn about different types of eggs, and support local farmers.
  • Look for cooking events or classes happening near you that focus on egg-based recipes. World Egg Day can be a fun time to learn new ways to cook with eggs.

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