Grand Duke's Birthday

Grand Duke's Birthday Quick Facts in Luxembourg

AKA NameSovereign’s Birthday, De Groussherzog Gebuertsdag
2025 DateJune 23, 2025
2026 DateJune 23, 2026

Grand Duke's Birthday

Grand Duke's Birthday in

Grand Duke's Birthday History

Luxembourg National Holiday, also known as the Sovereign's birthday, honors and celebrates the Sovereign of Luxembourg and the people of the country. This day aims to express the nation's collective pride and continue the strong bond between the people and their monarch. The main festivities take place in the capital city, Luxembourg City, with various events held across the country, such as military parades, firework displays, concerts, and local parties.

The holiday's history dates back to 1857 when it was first celebrated as King William III's birthday on April 17th. In 1947, the celebration was moved to June 23rd in honor of the country's first female sovereign, Grand Duchess Charlotte, who was born on January 23rd. This change was made in order to ensure favorable weather for the outdoor festivities and has since been continued to honor all subsequent rulers. As a member of the European Union (EU), Luxembourg represents a significant element of European integration, contributing to the overall progress and unity through its leadership and participation in EU institutions.

In the European Union, Luxembourg National Holiday is primarily observed by Luxembourgish citizens living and working in other EU countries, as well as by members of various EU institutions, who wish to pay their respects and celebrate the significance of this day. Many Luxembourg communities across the EU host special events and gatherings to commemorate their homeland's national day, connecting Luxembourg's rich cultural heritage to the wider European audience. Luxembourg National Holiday is celebrated on June 23rd, with many pausing to rejoice in this unique display of national pride and unity, which also extends to its fellow European nations.

Top facts about Grand Duke's Birthday

  • Luxembourg is the world’s only Grand Duchy. A Grand Duchy is a country or territory whose official head of state is a monarch and holds the title of Grand Duke or Duchess.
  • Typically the celebrations are held over two days rather than one. Celebrations start on 22 June and continue on into the 23rd, as events, concerts and speakers are organized.

Grand Duke's Birthday Top Events and Things to Do

  • Attend the traditional 21 canon shots fired at Fetschendhof. Traditionally the 21 canon shots honour the Grand Duke on this special day and they are followed by a military parade down Avenue de la Liberte.
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #LuxembourgNationalDay, #GrandDukeHenrisBirthday and #GrandDukeHenri.

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