World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day Quick Facts in India

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World Mental Health Day

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World Mental Health Day History

World Mental Health Day is aimed at raising awareness about mental health issues and promoting efforts to support mental well-being. Its main objective is to educate the public on the reality of mental illnesses, reduce stigma, and encourage those affected to seek help. This day also serves as an opportunity for governments, organizations, and individuals to discuss mental health policies, services, and strategies to foster healthy communities.

The World Federation for Mental Health first marked the day in 1992. Mental health challenges are prevalent across all demographics, including India, which constitutes nearly 18% of the global population. According to the World Health Organization, one in seven people from India has had a mental disorder, with depression and anxiety being most common. The growing mental health crisis in India calls for a broader understanding and a more proactive approach to support people at risk. World Mental Health Day provides a platform to address these issues and initiate critical conversations about mental health in India.

In India, World Mental Health Day is observed through numerous programs, activities, and events that emphasize the importance of mental health. Governmental and non-governmental organizations perform awareness campaigns, seminars, and workshops to educate the general public. Mental health professionals, policymakers, and activists collaborate to generate constructive dialogues about mental health care and available services. Additionally, celebrities and ordinary citizens participate by sharing their experiences, perspectives, and opinions to challenge misconceptions and contribute to destigmatizing mental illnesses. World Mental Health Day takes place annually on October 10th.

World Mental Health Day facts

  • The theme for World Mental Health Day in 2023 was Mental health is a universal human right.
  • Around 20% of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition, with suicide the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds.
  • People with severe mental health conditions die prematurely – as much as two decades early – due to preventable physical conditions.
  • According to an Assocham report, by 2025, the economic loss due to mental health conditions in India is projected to amount to 1.03 trillion of India's gross domestic product.
  • Despite India being the world's second most populous country, it didn't officially recognize the existence of mental health problems until 2017, when the government passed the Mental Healthcare Act.

Top things to do in India for World Mental Health Day

  • Evaluate your own mental well-being or that of someone you are close to.
    - Are you always sad?
    - Do you have suicidal thoughts?
    - Do you feel that you have no reason to live?
  • Visit a psychologist to discuss any problems that have overwhelmed you lately.
  • Promote self-care practices such as exercise, healthy eating, engaging in hobbies, getting enough rest, and seeking support from loved ones. Share tips and resources on how to prioritize mental well-being.
  • Use the day to advocate for better mental health policies and increased access to mental health services in your community or region. Reach out to policymakers, share your concerns, and support initiatives aimed at improving mental health infrastructure and support systems.

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