International Day for Biological Diversity

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2024 Date22 May 2024
2025 Date22 May 2025

International Day for Biological Diversity

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International Day for Biological Diversity History

The International Day for Biological Diversity is a global observance dedicated to promoting awareness and understanding of biodiversity issues. Established by the United Nations, this day aims to highlight the importance of conserving the world's species, ecosystems, and genetic resources in achieving sustainable development goals. Recognizing the significant role that biodiversity plays in maintaining the health of our planet, the celebration of this day seeks to foster greater appreciation and commitment from individuals, communities, and governments for the conservation and sustainable use of our natural resources.

The observation of the International Day for Biological Diversity is deeply rooted in the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit, where the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was adopted. As an active party to the CBD, New Zealand has a vested interest in the goals and actions of the Convention, which directly impacts the country's rich and unique biodiversity. With over 80% of its native species found nowhere else in the world, preserving New Zealand's biodiversity is crucial for maintaining not only its striking natural beauty but also the ecological, economic, and cultural fabric of the nation. It is vital for New Zealanders to understand the necessity of safeguarding and restoring their exceptional and fragile ecosystems.

Typically, International Day for Biological Diversity is observed in New Zealand through various activities and events that aim to increase awareness and encourage participation in biodiversity conservation. Events may include educational workshops, nature walks, tree planting initiatives, and collaborative clean-up operations. Annually held on the 22nd of May, the celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity in New Zealand serves as both a timely reminder of the irreplaceable value of our planet's natural heritage and a call to action for its continued protection.

Facts about Biological Diversity

  • Scientists estimate that there are anywhere between 8.7 million to 30 million species on Earth. However, only about 1.5 million species have been identified and classified thus far.
  • Despite covering less than 1% of the ocean floor, coral reefs are estimated to be home to 25% of all marine species.
  • Habitat degradation and the loss of biodiversity is a threat to the livelihood of over 1 billion people who live in dry and subhumid climates.
  • New Zealand has one of the highest rates of endemism in the world, meaning that a large proportion of its plant and animal species are found nowhere else on earth.
  • New Zealand has one of the highest proportions of threatened species per capita globally. More than 1,000 species are classified as threatened, including both plants and animals.

Top things to do in NZ for this observance

  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #InternationalDayForBiologicalDiversity, #IDBD and #BiologicalDiversity.
  • Join the international Day for Biological Diversity Google Hangout where you can video stream yourself and with other people to discuss biological diversity with like-minded individuals.
  • Watch a documentary about the biological diversity in New Zealand. Here are some of our suggestions:
    1. 100 Million Years: New Zealand’s First Forests (2018): A short documentary exploring New Zealand's ancient forests and the immense biodiversity they contain.
    2. New Zealand: Earth's Mythical Islands (2016): A three-part BBC Earth series, showcasing the fascinating geological history and extraordinary biodiversity of New Zealand.
    3. Ghosts of Gondwana (2011): A documentary exploring the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana and its connection to the evolution of New Zealand's unique flora and fauna.
  • Read a book about the biological diversity in New Zealand. Here are some suggestions:
    1. New Zealand Wildlife: An Introduction by Julian Fitter: This book serves as a comprehensive guide to the country's wildlife, covering birds, mammals, reptiles, and more.
    2. Field Guide to New Zealand's Native Trees by John Dawson and Rob Lucas: Aimed at those interested in local flora, this book provides an in-depth exploration of native tree species found in New Zealand.
    3. The Reed Field Guide to New Zealand Wildlife by Geoff Moon and Lynn Adams: This is another essential guide for enthusiasts looking to experience New Zealand's wildlife up close.

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