Only AfD can save Germany Quote Eva Vlaardingerbroek @EvaVlaar · 1h 3:42 Yet another knife attack in Berlin this time. Multiple people are injured, one severely. As for now, the attacker is still on the loose. Europe is a totally unsafe place nowadays, but when 1K 2K 13K 912K
LEAKED: Uncovered documents reveal a secret EU plot to fracture and destroy the rising right-wing movement in Europe. @MarioNawfal @HarrisonHSmith Watch Live:…
The formula to revive classic Bond is simple - Cast Cavill (obviously) - Make it a 60s/70s period piece - Film is 100% practical effects - Devote silly budget to finding and casting a completely unknown but extremely hot brown haired actress from [ Show more Quote Jeff Bezos @JeffBezos · 8h Who’d you pick as the next Bond?
This moment right here displays why we love President Trump. Reporter: "Germany has elections on Sunday." Trump: "I wish them luck. We got our own problems." AMERICA FIRST. Show more From Acyn
Yet another knife attack in Berlin this time. Multiple people are injured, one severely. As for now, the attacker is still on the loose. Europe is a totally unsafe place nowadays, but when @JDVance states that fact European leaders lose their minds. AfD all the way. Show more
In Sweden, we have around 60 ”no-go zones” where ambulances require escorts to enter because they’re attacked with rocks by immigrants, and police cars are set on fire. Police say they can't enforce Swedish law in these areas, which makes them essentially lawless. Show more 3K 8K 44K 1M