#チクタクしてみた 『De Lu Lu』shorts投稿 逆の隊列を組んでサビを踊ってみました! サイン入りグッズが当たるチャンスなので、 ぜひ公式音源を使用して一緒に踊ってみてください! ▶︎動画はこちら! Show more Quote VOLTACTION @VOLTACTION_info · Jan 16 #チクタクしてみた キャンペーン開催! 「De Lu Lu」の公式音源を使ってYouTubeやTikTokに動画を投稿した方から抽選で、 「メンバー直筆サイン入りグッズ」をプレゼント! 当選発表は当選者へのX、TikTokのダイレクトメッセージをもって代えさせていただきます。
BREAKING: Two people have been killed and several injured in a mass stabbing knife attack in Germany. One of the victims is a child. Why does this keep happening in Europe??? It has to stop. Show more
Germany needs mass deportations now. Quote Eva Vlaardingerbroek @EvaVlaar · 37m 2:27 It happened again. An Afghan migrant just stabbed a 2 y/o child and a 41 y/o man to death in Aschaffenburg, Germany. I got emotional filming this, because nothing ever changes in Europe and I don’t know what to say anymore. How much longer are we going to sit by and watch our…
For us, Europeans, the global race begins at home. European leaders agree on this. Now this consensus must turn into action. The Competitiveness Compass will be the North Star of the new Commission ↓ Show more Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen LIVE: Speech at the European Parliament plenary