Singles Day

Singles Day Quick Facts in the US

HashtagsCompiled on#SinglesDay
2025 DateNovember 11, 2025
2026 DateNovember 11, 2026

Singles Day

Singles Day in

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Singles Day (China) History

Singles Day honors the pride and joy of being unmarried. Originally serving as an anti-Valentine's Day event for Chinese college students, Singles Day has evolved into one of the biggest shopping holidays in the world, with numerous retailers offering significant discounts and promotions. The observance seeks to challenge traditional social norms around relationships and encourage individuals to embrace their singlehood status, while also providing an opportunity for consumers to indulge in retail therapy.

The history of Singles Day dates back to the early 1990s, when it began as an unofficial holiday at Nanjing University in China. The event quickly gained popularity within the country and eventually went on to become a national phenomenon. Individuals in America are increasingly recognizing Singles Day as an occasion to celebrate their independence and individuality, regardless of their relationship status. Moreover, this awareness is supported in large part by the shopping extravaganza surrounding the festival. American retailers such as Alibaba, Amazon, and other large corporations have also begun participating in Singles Day to tap into its growing global appeal, offering exclusive discounts and promotions.

Singles Day in America is observed through various means, such as organizing meetups, hosting singles parties, indulging in shopping sprees, and treating oneself to some well-deserved pampering. Singles Day traditionally takes place on November 11, and this date remains consistent both in China and America, symbolizing the solitary ones (11/11).

Singles Day facts

  • According to, in 2023, there over 366 million people worldwide using online dating services.
  • 46% of Chinese people under the age of 35 are not married.
  • In China, 118 boys are born for every 100 girls.
  • 11/11 is going global. Chinese consumers will be buying an unprecedented assortment of international brands and products from around the world. - Daniel Zhang, Alibaba CEO

Top things to do in the US for Singles Day

  • Celebrate Singles Day by purchasing a gift for yourself on ecommerce platform Alibaba, Amazon or on any site of your choosing. Keep an eye on the amazing sales and discounts that can be taken advantage of.
  • Take advantage of the holiday to treat yourself with a spa day or a new hair do.
  • Watch a movie about being single or becoming single. Some of our favorite picks: Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008), The Help (2011), Wild (2014) and Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1998)
  • Attend a speed dating event near you. Speed dating is a great way to meet new people and perhaps, by next Singles Day, you will no longer be romantically unattached.
  • Join the Singles Day movement on social media with hashtags such as #singlesday and #1111

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