World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day Quick Facts in the US

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2026 DateNovember 14, 2026

World Diabetes Day

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World Diabetes Day History

World Diabetes Day aims to raise awareness of diabetes, a disease that raises blood sugars. Diabetes can result in problems with other organs and significantly increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and death. As of 2015, approximately 1 in 10 adults worldwide is diabetic, a problem which poses a massive burden on nations as it threatens their health and economic prosperity.

In 1991, World Diabetes Day was established by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in an effort to address the increasing number of diabetes cases and its burden on countries. Diabetes prevalence is highest in the Middle East and Southern Asia while it is lowest in Sub Saharan Africa. Diabetes, especially type 2, has been linked to obesity and a sedentary, inactive lifestyle and thus World Diabetes Day also serves to promote a healthy and active lifestyle that can drastically reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

World Diabetes Day facts

  • The theme for World Diabetes Day in 2023 was Access to diabetes care.
  • According to, as of June 2023, more than half a billion people live with diabetes worldwide.
  • More than 80% of deaths related to diabetes occur in low and middle income countries.
  • Type 2 diabetes is much more common than type 1. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% of the world's diabetes cases.
  • 50% of people with diabetes die due to heart disease and stroke (cardiovascular diseases).
  • I was determined to share my positive approach and not let diabetes stand in the way of enjoying my life - Paula Deen, celebrity chef

Top things to do in the US for World Diabetes Day

  • Visit your doctor if you are overweight, obese, do not regularly exercise and do not eat a balanced diet. These are all factors that can cause diabetes.
  • Learn about ways to control and lower the risk of developing diabetes. The American Diabetes Association provides some great ways to reduce your risk which include:
    1) Eat a healthy balanced diet
    2) Exercise regularly
    3) Ensure that you are not overweight or obese
    4) Remove unnecessary processed foods with high sugar content from your diet
    5) Get checked for high blood pressure or abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Participate in one of the American Diabetes Association's fundraising activities which include, The Tour de Cure, Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes, Rip's B.A.D. Ride or you can create your own fundraising event by using the organizations' online tools.
  • Watch a documentary about diabetes and diabetes-related topics such as obesity, sugar consumption and fast food. Our favorites are: Sugar Babies, The Human Trial, Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days and Diabetes Cure Documentary
  • Learn about the symptoms and signs of diabetes. Many cases of diabetes go undiagnosed for long periods of time while causing irreversible damage to the body. Some common signs and symptoms include:
    -Frequent urination
    -Constant Thirst
    -Blurred vision

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