Saint Bartholomew

Saint Bartholomew Quick Facts in Australia

AKA NameFeast of St. Bartholomew
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Saint Bartholomew

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St Bartholomew History

Saint Bartholomew is a Christian religious observance that commemorates the life and martyrdom of one of Jesus Christ's twelve apostles, Saint Bartholomew (also called Nathanael). He is known for bringing the Gospel to Asia and, according to tradition, met his death by refusing to give up the religion after converting many souls to Christianity. His feast day is an opportunity for the faithful to express devotion to Saint Bartholomew and seek his grace in prayers and intentions. The observance also includes performances of liturgical acts, such as Mass and special prayers, in honour of the saint.

This feast day has been observed in Christian churches since the 9th century. While not exclusive to Australia, Saint Bartholomew's courage and faith have significance for Christians in the country. Though martyrdom is not as prevalent today, the Christians can look to Saint Bartholomew's example as they confront challenges from maintaining and propagating their faith amidst a predominantly secular society. Additionally, the saint's life may remind local Christians of the importance of missionary and evangelistic outreach to others in the region.

In Australia, the Observance of Saint Bartholomew is typically marked by attending Mass or a church service and by prayerful reflection on the saint's life, virtues, and contributions to the Church. Some communities and parishes with a particular devotion to Saint Bartholomew may have further celebrations and events.

Saint Bartholomew facts

  • Bartholomew is simply just listed by name in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke as well as in Acts (Mt.10:2, Mark 3:14, Luke 6:12, Acts 1:13, 26). He is not mentioned in the Gospel of John, but some theologians believe that he is referred to by the name Nathaniel. Most of the information the church has about Bartholomew/Nathaniel is based on early sermons and writings.
  • Bartholomew is thought to have been martyred in Armenia. His skin was flayed from his body while he was still alive.
  • According to Christian tradition, Saint Bartholomew was flayed alive and then beheaded in Armenia, which is now modern-day Turkey.
  • Saint Bartholomew is the patron saint of several professions and causes, including Armenia, bookbinders, butchers, cobblers, leatherworkers, neurological disorders, and plasterers.

Top things to do in Australia for St Bartholomew

  • Travel to Rome and visit St Bartholomew's relics. They are thought to be entombed in the basilica, St Bartholomew on the Island (in Rome, Italy).
  • If you have an interest in religious art, you can visit museums or galleries in Australia that showcase artwork depicting St. Bartholomew or other religious figures.
  • Attending a church service in your area would be a great way to celebrate Saint Bartholomew's Day or just appreciate the diversity of religious faith in Australia.

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