National Girlfriends Day

Quick Facts in Canada

2025 DateAugust 1, 2025
2026 DateAugust 1, 2026

National Girlfriend Day

National Girlfriend Day in

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National Girlfriends Day History

National Girlfriend Day is an annual event that celebrates the importance of romantic relationships between people. It is a special day to appreciate, acknowledge and thank the significant other in your life, who not only provides support, love and care, but also adds joy and happiness to your life. The day encourages couples to strengthen their bond and express their love and gratitude for each other, ultimately helping to create a healthier and more nurturing relationship.

While National Girlfriend Day does not have a particular origin story, the concept of celebrating love and romantic relationships has been around for centuries. In Canada, the day takes on special meaning as the country is known for its cultural diversity and the importance of embracing love in its various forms. National Girlfriend Day allows Canadians to express love for their partners, regardless of their cultural or religious beliefs, thereby promoting unity and cooperation amongst the diverse communities.

National Girlfriend Day is traditionally celebrated in Canada by expressing love and appreciation for one's girlfriend, often through creative and thoughtful gestures. Couples may plan a special date or outing together, exchanging gifts, cooking their partner's favorite meal, or simply spending quality time together. Acts of love, both big and small, help to make this day memorable for couples, fostering stronger connections and appreciation for one another. In Canada, National Girlfriend Day is observed on the 1st of August, ensuring a memorable day for couples to cherish their bond and express their love.

National Girlfriends Day facts

  • According to, a research study found that most women will have 6 best friends over the span of their lifetime.
  • According to, friendships between women last for an average of about 16 years. The reasoning is that as a person goes through major life changes like moving or getting a new job, friendships can burn or fizzle out.
  • According to research by IBISWorld, usage of online dating websites and related services in Canada has grown $6M per year since 2010.
  • According to a 2019 survey by Statista, around 63% of Canadians rated their marriage or relationship as very or extremely satisfying. This points to a culture where couples are generally happy and striving to maintain strong connections.

Top things to do in Canada for National Girlfriends Day

  • Call up your girlfriends and plan a fun night out.
  • Plan a special evening with your girlfriend. Make reservations at a restaurant, make a home-cooked meal, or plan an activity.
  • Spend a day hiking and exploring the beautiful trails and lakes in Banff National Park.
  • Visit the CN Tower in Toronto, one of the most iconic landmarks in Canada. Enjoy a romantic dinner at the revolving 360 Restaurant located at the top of the tower.

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