New Year's Day

New Year's Day Quick Facts in Sweden

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New Year's Day

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New Year's Day History

New Year's Day, known as 'Nyårsdagen' in Sweden, is a significant public holiday celebrating the arrival of a new year. It is the first day of the Gregorian calendar, which is widely followed worldwide. The focus of this observance is on newfound beginnings, goal-setting, and committing to resolutions intended to improve oneself. It is an important occasion for family gatherings, social interactions, and special cultural events.

Historically, New Year's Day celebrations in Sweden can be traced back to the Viking era when it was believed the holiday brought blessings from the gods for the new year. Over time, cultural shifts and influences from other parts of the world have slightly altered the Swedish celebrations, yet the core sentiments remain. For modern Swedes, the day is seen as a chance to relax after the busy holiday season and take the opportunity to spend leisurely time with loved ones. It is also a day to indulge in traditional foods and reflect on the future possibilities the new year may bring.

In contemporary Sweden, New Year's Day is often observed with gatherings and parties that extend from New Year's Eve to the early hours of the first day. Fireworks displays and hearty toasts with champagne are common ways to usher in the new year. In many households, a traditional meal consisting of pork or fish is enjoyed. It's also common to watch the New Year concert from Vienna on television as a part of the celebration. And like many other countries that follow the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Day is celebrated in Sweden on the first of January.

Facts about New Year's Day

  • Worldwide Baby New Year is the most common symbol associated with this holiday. He is a toddler dressed in a diaper, hat, and sash bearing the numbers of the new year. The myth states that he matures into an old man during the course of the year. On December 31st, he hands his hat and sash to the new Baby New Year.
  • In the early Roman calendar, New Year was celebrated on March 1st. The new celebration of New Year on January 1st started in Rome in 153 BC. The New Year was moved to January because it was a month when two newly elected Roman consuls began their tenure, which reflected the beginning of civil year.
  • A unique Swedish New Year tradition is the midnight smorgasbord which comes with a variety of dishes including pickled herring, meatballs and a special kind of bread, Tunnbrodsrulle, filled with mashed potatoes and hot dogs.
  • Swedes also believe in a traditional superstition that if the first person to arrive in your home after midnight is a dark-haired man, it will bring good luck for the coming year.

Top things to do in Sweden for New Year's Day

  • Make new resolutions for the upcoming year and let go of what happened in the previous one.
  • Eat Swedish Meatballs for good luck.
  • Write down and store goals and wishes in a bottle to read at the end of the next year.

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