Outdoor Classroom Day

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Outdoor Classroom Day Quick Facts

2025 Date8 May 2025

Outdoor Classroom Day

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Outdoor Classroom Day History

Outdoor Classroom Day is designed to encourage schools to take learning outdoors, enhancing children's connection with nature and promoting their overall wellbeing. The campaign aims to highlight the importance of outdoor playtime, hands-on learning experiences, and exploratory activities for the cognitive and physical development of young children. Emphasising the benefits of outdoor learning, it encourages educators to collaborate and share success stories, while inspiring a long-lasting commitment to incorporate outdoor education as a regular part of their school curriculum.

The roots of Outdoor Classroom Day can be traced back to 2012 when a group of educators and environmentalists started the movement in response to an alarming decline in the time children spend playing freely outdoors. Over the years, the movement has morphed into an annual celebration, with millions of participants across more than 100 countries joining in. The positive impact it has had on children worldwide makes this campaign highly relevant for the United Kingdom, where increased academic pressure and reliance on technology has led to a disconnect from nature and limited outdoor experiences.

Each year, schools across the United Kingdom enthusiastically take part in Outdoor Classroom Day, organising a range of fun activities and learning experiences in nature. By engaging students in tasks such as nature walks, gardening, exploration, and outdoor games, they aim to foster an appreciation for the environment and enhance children's mental and physical wellbeing. Celebrated twice a year, Outdoor Classroom Day takes place on the first Thursday of November and May.

Outdoor Classroom Day Facts

  • About 12 million children from over 170 different countries took part in Outdoor Classroom Day in 2022.
  • There are several benefits to outdoor learning. According to outdoorclassroomday.com, it can help:
    1) Develop key skills for life
    2) Give a better understanding of the environment
    3) Enhance engagement with learning
    4) Increase physical and mental health
  • Academic research shows that active play is the natural and primary way that children learn - British author, Sir Ken Robinson
  • Outdoor classrooms can provide important nature experiences for students in urban settings who may not otherwise have easy access to green spaces.
  • Outdoor learning experiences help to develop students' environmental awareness and foster a sense of stewardship for the earth. This appreciation for nature can lead to more sustainable lifestyles and an increased commitment to environmental conservation.
  • Research shows that time spent in nature has significant physical and mental health benefits. Outdoor classrooms encourage physical activity, improve concentration, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being.

Outdoor Classroom Day Top Events and Things to Do

  • Schedule some time to learn outside. Being outdoors can affect the health, wellbeing, and development of both children and adults.
  • Browse ideas on how to make outdoor learning fun.
  • Check out how many families and schools are learning outdoors and get inspired.
  • Build a bird feeder using recycled materials or simple household items. Hang it outside and encourage children to observe and identify different bird species that visit the feeder.
  • Take a walk around your neighborhood or a nearby green space. Use books or online resources to identify different plants and trees. Encourage children to observe and take notes about what they discover.

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