
Ashura Quick Facts in South Africa

AKA NameAshurah
HashtagsCompiled on#Ashura
Related Hashtags#Muharram, #Hussain, #Muharram2025, #Gaza, #ImamHussain, #Karbala
2025 Date5 July 2025
2026 Date25 June 2026

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Ashura History

Ashura is an important religious observance for millions of Muslims worldwide, particularly those belonging to the Shiite sect of Islam. Its significance stems from the tragic event of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, in the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD. The Observance of Ashura symbolizes the struggle against injustice, tyranny, and oppression, which are essential tenets of the Islamic faith. It also emphasizes the values of compassion, selflessness, and standing up for righteousness.

The history of Ashura can be traced back to the earliest days of Islam, marked by the division between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. In South Africa, the Muslim population comprises both Sunni and Shiite communities, with a substantial portion of the latter mainly concentrated in urban areas such as Cape Town, Durban, and Johannesburg. While Ashura holds limited significance for the majority of Sunni Muslims in South Africa, for the Shia community, the day takes on immense spiritual importance. The tragedy of Karbala, at the heart of the Ashura observance, serves as a symbol for many South African Shia Muslims to advocate for social justice and fight against systemic oppression within their society.

In South Africa, the observance of Ashura includes several customary rituals and practices, such as attending special prayer services, mourning gatherings called majlis, reciting poems, and performing acts of charity. Participants often wear black to signify mourning and engage in public processions to express their grief. The date of Ashura may vary across different countries depending on the sighting of the moon, but it is generally observed on the 10th day of the first month (Muharram) in the Islamic lunar calendar. Ashura begins on July 28th.

Ashura facts

  • It is common for Sahih Muslim to fast on the 10th of Muharram (first month of the Islamic calendar). According to Sahih Muslim writings of Abu Qatada (a companion of the prophet Muhammad), this fast atones for the sins of the preceding year.
  • Shi'a Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Husayn (also spelled Hussein) Ibn Ali on Ashura. He was killed in the Battle of Karbala in the year 680 AD. Husayn was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad as well as the third Shia Imam.
  • One significant event in the history of Ashura in South Africa is the return of Sheik Yusuf from exile in Ceylon in 1694. Sheik Yusuf is considered to be the father of Islam in South Africa and one of the pioneers of Ashura observance there.
  • South African Muslims commemorate Ashura with acts of charity and service. They distribute food, prepare free meals, and offer support to the needy in their communities during this period.

Top things to do in South Africa for Ashura

  • To commemorate the martyrdom of Husayn Ibn Ali Husayn, Shi'a Muslims often re-enact plays of the epic battle of Karbala.
  • Many Shi'a Muslims go on a pilgrimage to Karbala (Iraq) where they pay homage to Muhammad's family on the day of Ashura.
  • In some cities, such as Cape Town and Johannesburg, people join processions to mourn and remember the events of Ashura. Participants typically wear black and walk through designated streets, while some individuals practice self-flagellation as a sign of mourning.
  • Visit a local cultural center or museum that has exhibitions or displays related to Islamic history and the story of Ashura.

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