World Population Day

World Population Day Quick Facts in South Africa

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World Population Day

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World Population Day History

World Population Day is celebrated globally to raise awareness about the significance of population issues such as the importance of family planning, gender equality, women’s reproductive health, and the impact of population growth on economic and social development. World Population Day serves as a critical reminder of the importance of population issues and their impact on sustainable development. It is an opportunity for countries, communities, individuals, and organizations to collaborate and find solutions to the challenges posed by population growth.

The history of World Population Day can be traced back to 1989 when the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) declared July 11th as a day to raise awareness about population issues. The date was chosen as it marked the moment when the global population hit five billion. Since then, the day has been celebrated annually with a different theme each year, ranging from reproductive health to adolescent pregnancy, maternal and child health, and gender equality.

In South Africa, the day is celebrated with various events and activities, mostly organized by the government, international organizations, and civil society groups. The focus is often on promoting health education, increasing access to modern contraception, reducing maternal and infant mortality, and empowering women and girls. World Population Day is observed annually on July 11th.

World Population Day facts

  • The theme for World Population Day in 2023 was 8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: The case for rights and choices.
    The theme in for World Population Day in 2022 was A world of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future for all - harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all.
  • The annual growth rate of the world's population peaked at 2.1% in 1962 and since been decreasing. It is estimated that by the year 2100, the population will slow to 0.06% annual growth.
  • South Africa has a diverse population, consisting of various ethnic groups. Around 80% of the population is Black African, 9% is White, 9% is Coloured (a multiracial ethnic group), and 2.5% is of Indian or Asian descent.
  • The fertility rate in South Africa is relatively low compared to other African countries, with an average of about 2.4 children per woman.

Top things to do in South Africa for World Population Day

  • Reduce your carbon footprint to slow global warming and pollution. Walk instead of driving, use energy saving light bulbs, carpool with others, turn down the AC/heat when you are not home, and reuse and recycle paper, bottles, and plastics.
  • Spread the word about birth control methods. Over half of the pregnancies every year in the US are unplanned and could have been prevented by birth control methods such as pills, rings, IUDs and condoms.
  • Watch The End of the Rainbow (2012), a documentary that examines the impact of gold mining on South Africa's rural communities and population.
  • Read a book about population growth in South Africa. Here are some suggestions:
    1. South African Cities: A Manifesto for Change by Philip Harrison
    2. South African Accessions to the International Population Problem, 1945-1970 by H.L. Shaver
    3. Competing Visions of Population Growth: Ethnographies from Three Continents by Susan Greenhalgh

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