World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

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World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

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World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly is an observance that aims to recognize and pay tribute to elderly people in communities around the world. The day calls for people to honor their grandparents and acknowledge their contribution to society. In Canada, World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly was recognized and celebrated for the first time in 2021. Pope Francis declared the day in January 2021, and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CanadaB) designated it as a national day of celebration.

The CanadaB encouraged people to visit and spend time with their grandparents, as well as pray for them and thank them for their influence and guidance in their lives. The day also recognizes the important role that grandparents and the elderly play in passing down traditions, wisdom, and spiritual values to future generations.

Given the demographic shift towards an aging population in Canada, World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly provides an opportunity to highlight the needs and issues facing seniors, such as healthcare, social isolation, and elder abuse. The day also aims to raise awareness of the vital contributions that seniors make to society, and to call for more support and recognition of their valuable role. World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly is observed on July 23rd.

Facts about World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

  • The theme of the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly was I am with you always, symbolizing God's constant presence in our lives, regardless of our age.
  • The day was designated to coincide with the liturgical memorial of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.
  • Elders are more prone to chronic health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. However, regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and regular medical check-ups can mitigate these risks.
  • Canada has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, with the average life expectancy being 82 years.
  • The average retirement age in Canada is 64 years for men and 63.4 years for women.

Top things to do in Canada for this observance

  • Take grandparents or the elderly on a sightseeing tour of popular attractions in Canada, such as Niagara Falls, Banff National Park, Old Quebec City, or Stanley Park in Vancouver.
  • Explore beautiful gardens like Butchart Gardens in Victoria, the Montreal Botanical Garden or the Toronto Music Garden with your grandparents or elderly friends.

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