International Day of Pink

Quick Facts in Canada

2025 DateApril 9, 2025
2026 DateApril 8, 2026

International Day of Pink

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International Day of Pink History

International Day of Pink aims to promote solidarity against all forms of bullying, discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia. Its purpose is to initiate proactive measures that foster social equity and respect, particularly targeting education systems. In essence, this observance encourages empathy, understanding, and inclusivity in communities worldwide.

Dating back to 2007 in Canada, the inspiration for International Day of Pink emerged following a bullying incident at a Nova Scotia high school. The victim was targeted for wearing a pink shirt and two students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand by distributing pink shirts to their fellow students. This silent yet impactful protest sparked a nationwide dialogue on the seriousness of bullying. For Canada, International Day of Pink serves as a reminder of tolerance and acceptance, reinforcing the nation's commitment to fostering safe and inclusive environments for everyone, irrespective of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

International Day of Pink is observed with various awareness-raising activities carried out by schools, workplaces, and community organizations. These often include wearing pink clothing or accessories as a symbol of participation and solidarity, holding educational workshops, and sharing resources to better understand and counteract bullying dynamics. International Day of Pink takes place annually on the second Wednesday of April, reflecting on Canada's stance for diversity and inclusivity.

Facts about International Day of Pink

  • The theme for International Day of Pink in 2025 will be Re-Emergence, in 2024 it was Visibility, and in 2023 was Courage.
  • In 2024, UNESCO reported that more than 42% of LGBTQI students were bullied at least once based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • According to national Centre Against Bullying, there are six different types of bullying:
    1. Physical bullying
    2. Verbal bullying
    3. Relational bullying
    4. Cyberbullying
    5. Sexual bullying
    6. Prejudicial bullying
  • In addition to spreading awareness about bullying, the International Day of Pink also coincides with Canada's Day of Pink, which seeks to combat homophobia and transphobia.
  • The day was started by two Canadian high school students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, in 2007. They bought and distributed pink shirts after a male classmate was bullied for wearing a pink shirt on the first day of school.

Top things to do in Canada for International Day of Pink

  • Learn how you can get involved in International Day of Pink and make a difference.
  • Sign up for a weekly newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events and campaigns.
  • Participate in Anti-Bullying Workshops: The day is marked by conducting numerous workshops in schools, colleges, workplaces and community centers where people are educated about the adverse effects of bullying and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Participate in "Pink Shirt Day": People across Canada wear pink shirts to show their stand against bullying. Often schools and workplaces participate as a group.

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