World Day Against Child Labour

Quick Facts in Canada

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World Day Against Child Labour

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World Day Against Child Labour History

World Day Against Child Labour is a global observance aimed at raising awareness about the plight of millions of children who are engaged in child labour around the world. This important event focuses on the need to take urgent and decisive measures to tackle the problem of child labour, and provides a platform for various sectors and organizations to collaborate and work together to eliminate this scourge. A key aspect of the observance is to advocate for the rights of every child to receive an education and to be free from exploitative labour practices that often rob them of their childhood, health, well-being, and future prospects.

The origins of World Day Against Child Labour date back to the year 2002 when the International Labour Organization (ILO) inaugurated the event to draw attention to the problem of child labour, particularly in its most hazardous forms. Canada, as a member of the ILO, also acknowledges the significance of this observance and the crucial role that Canadians can play in combating this issue. By raising awareness about child labour and supporting organizations and initiatives that strive to eliminate this practice, Canadians can contribute to the global efforts in ensuring the welfare, protection, and education of vulnerable children around the world.

Typical customs and activities surrounding the observance of World Day Against Child Labour in Canada include hosting educational events and workshops, organizing fundraisers, and initiating social media campaigns to spread awareness about the issue. Canadians are encouraged to participate in these activities and support local and international organizations working to eradicate child labour. The World Day Against Child Labour takes place annually on June 12. It is important for Canadians to join forces and make a difference in the lives of these young children, with hopes of a brighter, better future.

World Day Against Child Labour facts

  • Boys are more likely to be engaged in hazardous work and sectors such as agriculture, while girls are more prevalent in domestic work and informal sectors.
  • According to the UN, there are an estimated 160 million children between the ages of 5-17 still engaged in child labor around the world.
  • The agriculture sector has the highest number of child laborers globally. It employs around 70% of child laborers, mainly in activities such as farming, livestock, fishing, and forestry.
  • Canada became a member of the International Labour Organization in 1919 and has been an active participant in the organization's efforts to eradicate child labor worldwide.
  • While the minimum age for employment in Canada varies by province, it generally ranges from 12 to 16 years old, depending on the type of work and the level of supervision required.

Top things to do in Canada for World Day Against Child Labour

  • Learn how you can get involved and help end child labor.
  • Donate to reputable charities working to end child labor. Some examples include the Global March Against Child Labor and the Stop Child Labor Coalition.
  • Watch a documentary to learn more about child abuse in Canada. Here are our top picks:
    1. The End of Capitalism as We Knew It (1997) - This documentary, directed by Astra Taylor, explores the history of child labor in Canada and the United States.
    2. The Dark Side of Chocolate (2010) - This documentary investigates the use of child labor in the cocoa industry, including the exploitation of children in Canada and the United States. The film features interviews with experts, human rights activists, and people directly impacted by child labor.
    3. Child Labor: A Global Crisis (2004) - This documentary series includes an episode on Canada's history of child labor. The investigation covers the various industries that used child labor, and the social and political forces that contributed to its persistence.
  • Read a book to learn more about the history Child Labour in Canada. Here are our suggestions:
    1. Child Labour in Canada by Christopher A. Hives
    2. Children at Work: Child Labour Practices in Canada by John Bullen
    3. Working in the Mills: Early Labour in Canada by Michael Martchenko & Claire Mackay

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