Saint Peter & Saint Paul

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AKA NameSolemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
HashtagsCompiled on#StPeters, #SaintPetersBasilica
Related Hashtags#StPeter, #Catholic, #SaintPeter, #SaintPaul, #StPaul, #OTD
2024 Date29 June 2024
2025 Date29 June 2025

Saint Peters

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St Peters History

The religious figure Saint Peter holds significant importance in South Africa as he is regarded as the patron saint of fishermen and also the first pope of the Catholic Church. He is revered by the Catholic and Orthodox churches of South Africa.

Saint Peter's story begins with his birth in Bethsaida, Palestine, in the first century AD as Simon the son of Jonah. He worked as a fisherman in the Sea of Galilee until he met Jesus, who changed his name to Peter and appointed him as one of his apostles. Saint Peter became a leader among the apostles and is known for his unwavering faith and commitment to Jesus, even in the face of persecution.

In South Africa, Saint Peter is honored for his role as the patron saint of fishermen, who rely on the sea for their livelihood. Many fishing communities along the South African coast have chapels and churches dedicated to Saint Peter. The town of Simon's Town, named after Saint Peter, also has a prominent Catholic church named after him. The celebration of Saint Peter is observed annually on June 29th.

Saint Peter & Saint Paul facts

  • Peter's original name was Simon, but Jesus changed it to Peter, which means 'the rock'. Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:17b-19).
  • Peter and Paul disagreed frequently over whether non-Jews converting to Christianity needed to follow Jewish customs. Peter believed that these Gentile converts should become Jewish first, while Paul's belief was that they could skip that step.
  • Christianity is the dominant religion in South Africa even today, with approximately 80% of the population identifying as Christian.
  • A South African saint, Saint Benedict Daswa, was martyred in the late 20th century for his faith in Jesus Christ. His dedication can be paralleled to that of St. Peter, as both sacrificed their lives for their beliefs.

Top things to do in South Africa for Saint Peter's Day

  • Go fishing in honor of St. Peter. He was a fisherman before he became Jesus' disciple, and is the patron saint of fisherman and net makers.
  • Go camping in honor of St. Paul. Before his conversion to Christianity, Paul was a tent maker. He is the patron saint of tent makers as well as writers. In addition to being an accomplished preacher, Paul wrote epistles that are included in the Bible's New Testament.
  • Watch Peter: The Redemption (2016) - This film is a biblical drama centered around Saint Peter's life at the time of Nero's persecution of Christians.
  • Visit the St. Peter's Monastery in Johannesburg. This monastery belongs to the Brotherhood of St. Peter in Johannesburg which is a monastic community devoted to the ideals of St. Peter. The monastery offers spiritual retreats and visits for those interested in learning about monastic life based on the teachings of St. Peter.

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