Convert Google Calendar to Excel & Word

Convert Google Calendar to Excel & Word

Import Google Calendar to native Word & Excel format in a variety of customizable layouts.  This is easily done from WinCalendar without having to export from Google calendar or CSV.  After initial setup generating a calendar with Google calendar events takes 2 clicks!  Setup does not use your Google login info. 

Google Calendar to Excel Supported Layouts:

Google Calendar can be converted to many customizable layouts in native graphical Word (doc / docx) and Excel (xls / xlsx) format.  Supported layouts include:

  • Weekly & Monthly Calendar
  • Yearly Calendar
  • Schedule
  • Agenda
  • Gantt Timeline
  • Filterable Excel Table

Once created you can then edit using all the features of Microsoft Office.  It makes a great Google Calendar printing tool as you can Print using all the features of Microsoft Word or Excel.  You can also choose to import Microsoft Outlook or ICAL calendar data, Holidays and your own WinCalendar saved items (daily appointments, birthdays, reminders, etc...) all merged on the same calendar.

For screen shots of supported calendar layout see hereDownload WinCalendar or for more info see the links on the left.

calendar maker
Google Calendar
Google Calendar to Excel Table
Google Calendar to Excel Table
Google Calendar data as Excel Table.
Google Calendar as Schedule
Export Google Calendar as Schedule
Google Calendar as a Schedule in Excel.
Google Calendar to Agenda Format
Google Calendar to Agenda
Google Calendar as an Agenda in Excel.
Google Calendar as Monthly
Google Calendar to Monthly Calendar in Word
Google Calendar as Monthly Calendar in Word.

New: Google Calendar to Gantt Timeline layout
Google Calendar to Gantt Layout in Excel
Google Calendar data as a Gantt Chart in Excel.