Download WinCalendar 5-in-1 Calendar for Windows, Word & Excel.

Download WinCalendar 5-in-1 Calendar for Windows, Word & Excel.

Supported Operating Systems, Windows:

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Required Software to use Calendar Maker Features:

Microsoft Office (version 12 - 16 including Office 365) running on Windows. Only 32 bit Microsoft Office is supported (Windows can be 32 or 64 bit). WinCalendar is currently not compatible with 64 bit MS Office. If running 64 bit Microsoft Office please see here.

WinCalendar Version:


check For your security & protection WinCalendar is hosted on CNET's

<- Click this button to goto CNET'sdownload page for WinCalendar.  In case this link is down, click here for our local server download. The install is also available for dowload as a zip here.

check 4.5 / 5 Rating from CNET Editor.
check Tucows 5 cow rating (highest rating available).
check 5/5 Rating from
check For your security WinCalendar is digitally signed by us, Sapro Systems.
check WinCalendar is not bundled with other software.
check Full un-installer included

WinCalendar comes with a Free desktop Calendar & date picker for Windows, Word & Excel. The Calendar Maker is intended as a demo.  The Calendar Maker contains feature limitations with regard to: holidays, calendar size, calendar format & allowed imported calendar appointment entries.

To upgrade to our registered version, simply install this free version, then enter the license registration code received upon ordering. This free version automatically becomes the licensed version upon entering this code.  

Need 64 bit MS Office Compatibility or additional layouts? If so, please check out PrintableCal software by VueSoft.