Convert Outlook Calendar to Excel and Word.

Convert Outlook Calendar to Excel and Word.

Convert Microsoft Outlook Calendars into customizable native editable Word & Excel format.  This is easily done using WinCalendar from Excel or Word, without having to export from Outlook.  Outlook is notorious for lack of full text wrapping on printing.  With WinCalendar you can easily print outlook calendar events with details and full word-
wrap (prevents appointment text from being cut off), plus you can fully edit in Word or Excel before printing.  WinCalendars supports many customizable layouts and also works with Outlook shared calendars.

Outlook Calendar to Excel/Word Supported Layouts:

You can also choose to import Google calendar data, Excel data,Holidays and your own WinCalendar saved items (daily appointments) all merged on the same calendar.  For more info see links on the left or Click here to Download WinCalendar..  Below illustrates some supported layouts.

Outlook calendar
Outlook Calendar
Outlook Calendar to Excel Table
Outlook Calendar export to Excel
Outlook Calendar data as Spreadsheet Table.
Outlook Calendar to Schedule
Outlook Calendar to Schedule in Excel
Outlook Calendar as a Schedule in Excel.
Outlook Calendar to Agenda Format
Calendar Maker Options
Outlook Calendar as an Agenda in Word.
Outlook Calendar as Monthly
Outlook Calendar to Microsoft Word
Outlook Calendar as Monthly Calendar in Word.

Outlook Calendar to Gantt Timeline layout
Outlook Calendar as Gantt Chart
Outlook Calendar data as a Gantt Chart in Excel.