Microsoft Word calendar creator with holidays & stored daily notes.

Microsoft Word calendar creator with holidays & stored daily notes.

WinCalendar is also a Word calendar maker that creates calendars (monthly & weekly), schedules, and Agendas! Over 60+ layout combinations supported. WinCalendar in MS Word supports importing data from Google Calendar, Outloook Calendar and any ics format calendar data. The calendar maker is menu driven & works dynamically without templates. No files to open, simply access the WinCalendar menu from within Microsoft Word. Download now.

Screen shots of a Calendar, Schedule and Agenda created with WinCalendar:

Word Monthly Calendar with import data
Sample monthly calendar created with WinCalendar in Word.
Schedule Calendar with appointments
Sample Schedule created with WinCalendar in Word.
Agenda with iCal data in Word
Sample Agenda created with WinCalendar in Word.

Calendar maker features support many customizations and options for creating Calendars. Below is the main Calendar creator dialog which reflect many of the available customizations.

Custom Calendar Options in Word
Word Calendar Maker Options and Customizations.

This is one of many customizable sizes/layouts. Holidays, stored daily user appointments & even Microsoft Outlook appointment data can be shown.

WinCalendar Calendar Maker in Word Features:

  • Create a customizable weekly or monthly calendar in native Word format.
  • Over 60 different layouts available! More Calendar Maker screen shots.
  • Built in holidays through the year 2020 for 10 countries.
  • Displays daily notes entered into WinCalendar.
  • Import Microsoft Outlook & Google Calendar data for display on generated calendars.
  • Choose from over 60 Colors.
  • Calendars are generated from the WinCalendar menu, no Templates to manage!