World Heart Day

World Heart Day Quick Facts in the EU

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HashtagsCompiled on#WorldHeartDay
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2024 Date29 September 2024
2025 Date29 September 2025

World Heart Day

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World Heart Day History

World Heart Day aims to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases (CVD), their prevention, and the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. Various initiatives are undertaken globally to emphasize the significance of adopting heart-friendly habits, including balanced diets, regular physical activity, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption. CVD is the leading cause of mortality worldwide, accounting for 17.9 million deaths every year, many of which could be prevented through early intervention and appropriate lifestyle modifications.

Established in 2000 by the World Heart Federation, World Heart Day has grown to become a major public health campaign that directly resonates with the European Union population. As studies have indicated, CVD accounts for 45% of all deaths in Europe, with the majority being caused by coronary heart disease and stroke. To combat this considerable health threat, the European Union has been actively investing in research and innovation, encouraging policy changes that promote CVD prevention, and emphasizing the importance of coordinated efforts for early detection and treatment.

World Heart Day is observed across the European Union through a range of activities designed to empower individuals to take ownership of their cardiovascular health. Events such as heart health campaigns, educational programs, and public health initiatives take place to inspire change and raise awareness. Additionally, communities, health organizations, and policymakers collaborate to drive further efforts in the prevention and management of CVD. World Heart Day is observed annually on September 29.

World Heart Day Facts

  • According to the British Heart Foundation, in 2023, there were 7.6 million people living with heart and circulatory diseases.
  • In 2023, the total annual healthcare cost of heart and circulatory disease in the UK was £11 billion.

    According to the British Heart Foundation, it is estimated that treatment for heart and circulatory diseases cost the UK £74 billion annually. It is estimated to reach £177 billion by 2035.
  • The direct and indirect costs of CVD in the EU are estimated to be over €210 billion per year.
  • Key risk factors for CVD in the EU include tobacco use, unhealthy diets, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol levels.

World Heart Day Top Things to Do

  • Embracing the outdoors and engaging in physical activities like hiking, walking, or cycling can promote a healthy heart.
  • Gyms, fitness centers, and community centers often host special activities or classes on World Heart Day, promoting physical activity and healthy living. Look out for events such as yoga or Zumba classes, group workouts, or even marathons.
  • Consider volunteering or donating to a heart charity on World Heart Day.
  • Local sports clubs and gyms may offer special programs or discounts to promote physical activity and encourage people to exercise regularly to improve their heart health.
  • Some hospitals and clinics may offer free cardiovascular health screenings or consultations on World Heart Day.

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