Costa Rica Independence Day

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2025 DateSeptember 15, 2025
2026 DateSeptember 15, 2026

Costa Rica Independence Day

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Costa Rica Independence Day History

Costa Rica Independence Day honours and celebrates the day Costa Rica and several other Central American nations collectively broke their colonial ties with Spain in 1821. This day holiday is typically marked by a myriad of events and activities, embodying Costa Rica's cultural heritage and patriotic spirit.

The day commemorates the signing of the Act of Independence by the Central American provinces. Costa Rica, along with Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, declared independence from Spain on September 15, 1821. Although news of their independence didn't reach Costa Rica until October, September 15th remains the recognized date for celebration.

The celebration typically includes parades, traditional dance performances, and concerts which fill the streets with forthright joy and gratitude. Perhaps the most symbolic event of the day is when children across the country carry small lanterns, representing the journey of Dolores Bedoya. In 1821, Dolores Bedoya ignited a lantern as she moved through the streets of Guatemala City, encouraging people to support independence. Known as the Desfile de Faroles (Lantern Parade), this tradition is held the night before Independence Day, on September 14th. Costa Rica Independence Day is observed annually on September 15th.

Costa Rica Independence Day facts

  • Costa Rica contains more than 5% of the world's biodiversity.
  • The national flower is the guaria morada, an orchid.
  • Costa Rica's independence declaration was first read publicly in the city of Cartago, the capital of Costa Rica at the time.
  • Costa Rica became part of the Mexican Empire after gaining independence from Spain in 1821, but it became fully independent from Mexico in 1838.
  • The Act of Independence is kept in the National Archives and cannot be displayed because of its fragile condition.

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