Saint Matthew

Saint Matthew Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameFeast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
2025 DateSeptember 21, 2025
2026 DateSeptember 21, 2026

Saint Matthew

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St Matthew History

The Observance of Saint Matthew commemorates the life and works of the Apostle Matthew, one of the twelve apostles and author of the Gospel of Matthew. It serves as an opportunity for Christians to celebrate the contributions of Saint Matthew to the faith, reflect on his teachings, and recommit to living according to Christian principles. One of the key aspects of the observance of Saint Matthew is his role as the patron saint of bankers and accountants, making his feast day particularly significant to those in the financial industry.

While the origins of Saint Matthew's observance date back to the early centuries of Christianity, it has since spread to various parts of the world, including America. Saint Matthew is highly revered among American Christians not only for his contributions as an author of one of the Gospels, but also for his example of leaving behind a life of sin and material gain (as a tax collector) in order to follow Jesus Christ. Additionally, his patronage of bankers and accountants speaks to the significance of ethical financial practices, a theme that resonates with many in the United States.

The observance of Saint Matthew is typically marked by church services, prayers, and homilies that honor the life of the apostle and encourage reflection on his teachings. It is common for the Gospel of Matthew to be read and studied during these services, which provide an opportunity for Christians to deepen their understanding of both the historical and spiritual significance of Saint Matthew. The feast day occurs on September 21st each year.

Saint Matthew facts

  • Once Matthew begins to follow Jesus, he holds a dinner for other tax collectors and sinners (Matthew 9:10). The Pharisees, the strict Jewish law abiders that were leaders in the community, complained about Jesus, a teacher eating with sinners. Jesus said, "For I have come to call the not the righteous but the sinners." (Matthew 9:13)
  • Early church writers claim that after Jesus' death and resurrection that Matthew preached Christianity in Persia, Macedonia, and Syria.
  • Matthew was a tax collector, also called a publican. This profession was among the most reviled in Judea. Tax collectors worked for Rome, and not only did Jews pay Roman taxes to them, the collectors received a percentage for their own profit. Jews in good standing did not associate with publicans.
  • In the Orthodox Church, tradition says that St. Matthew refused to die even after several attempts. He was first placed upside down and lit on fire, then sunk in a coffin in the sea overnight. The ruler of Ethiopia, who tried to kill Matthew, apologized to the apostle and converted to Christianity.
  • St Matthew was one of Jesus' 12 disciples and writer of the Gospel of Matthew. His feast day is held on September 21 in the Roman Catholic Church and November 16 in the Orthodox faith.

Top things to do in the US for St Matthew

  • Because of his background as a tax collector, Matthew is the patron saint of bankers and accountants. His feast day would be a good time to audit your books if you are a business owner or re-establish a family budget.
  • Matthew was a tax collector, which was one of the most reviled professions in Judaism at the time of Christ. People looked down on tax collectors, but even so Jesus ate with them. Spend the day honoring St. Matthew getting to know somebody who is looked down upon in our society.
  • Read the Gospel of Matthew. It was written for the people of Judea and features a unique perspective on the Kingdom of God.
  • Some may choose to give to the poor or participate in food drives, inspired by Matthew's message of charity and kindness to those less fortunate.

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