Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday Quick Facts in the US

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Divine Mercy Sunday

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Divine Mercy Sunday History

Divine Mercy Sunday is devoted to the Divine Mercy of God, a fundamental attribute emphasizing God's loving and compassionate nature. It underscores entrusting oneself to God's mercy, promoting mercy towards others, and recognizing the need for God's mercy in the world. The observance includes a solemn feast, devotions, and special church services, incorporating the Divine Mercy image and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a form of prayer dedicated to the Divine Mercy.

The observance's roots trace back to Saint Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun in the 1930s who received visions and messages from Jesus promoting divine mercy. Pope John Paul II, himself a Pole and a devotee of Saint Faustina, officially established Divine Mercy Sunday as a feast day in 2000. For American Catholics, Divine Mercy Sunday holds a special relevance as it affirms core values of compassion, forgiveness, and love. It provides a profound space for reflection and reconnection with these foundational Christian values amidst the complexities of contemporary life.

In America, Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday of Easter, following the liturgical calendar. On this day, numerous Catholic parishes across the country hold special masses and services. Worship includes the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, veneration of the Divine Mercy image, and, in some parishes, opportunities for confession. Additionally, the Divine Mercy celebrations further extend into numerous American homes, as many families continue to pray the Chaplet and venerate the Divine Mercy image in their personal devotions.

Facts & quotes about Divine Mercy Sunday

  • St. Faustian was a Polish nun who lived in the early 20th century. She devoted her life to spreading the word about God's forgiveness, or divine mercy, for anyone who asks for forgiveness. Although she was a mystic, she also cooked and gardened as part of her convent life.
  • St. Faustian had visions much of her life. One that was the most profound was of Jesus, with one hand raised in blessing and with two fingers of his other hand resting on his heart. She said that Jesus asked her to have the image painted, and to include a prayer that said, Jesus, I trust in you. This is the prayer that Catholics recite on Divine Mercy Sunday.
  • Most priests preach on the story of Doubting Thomas on Divine Mercy Sunday (John 20:19-31). Thomas, also a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, was one of the Jesus' apostles. When Jesus arose from the dead, he didn't believe it. Jesus directed him to touch his crucifixion wounds to help him believe. Jesus doesn't chastise Thomas for his disbelief, which is considered an act of mercy.
  • The Message of Divine Mercy has always been near and dear to me … which I took with me to the See of Peter and which it in a sense forms the image of this Pontificate - Pope John Paul II

Top things to do in the US for Divine Mercy Sunday

  • If you are a Roman Catholic who left the church and want to come back, ask a priest to give you the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is offered in churches throughout the year, but is particularly appropriate on Divine Mercy Sunday.
  • Go to confession. Understanding that every person falls short is an important part of Christianity. In the Catholic Church, priests give acts of penitence after confession, which often involves prayer. They also offer forgiveness.
  • Take Holy Communion. This sacrament in any Christian church represents unity with everyone who believes in Jesus Christ.
  • Watch a movie about forgiveness. Some excellent films include The Color Purple (1985), The Green Mile (1999), and Pay It Forward (2000).

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