Record Store Day

Record Store Day Quick Facts in the US

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Record Store Day

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Record Store Day History

Record Store Day seeks to promote and celebrate independently owned record stores. It hopes to bring vinyl enthusiasts together. This day focuses on independently owned stores whose product lines consist of at least 50% music retail. It considers those stores that receive their primary business from a physical store. Today, corporate and online retailers are making it increasingly difficult for the smaller independent locations to compete and so, Record Store Day aims to support these real, live, physical, indie record stores - not online retailers or corporate behemoths.

Record Store Day was created in 2007 when independent store owners came together to discuss the idea. It is observed annually on the 2nd or 3rd Saturday of April. Each year, an official ambassador wears a ceremonial sash and promotes independently owned record stores (notable ambassadors include Metallica, Jesse Hughes, and Ozzy Osborne).

Facts about Record Store Day

  • According to ReportLinker, the global vinyl records market is expected to grow by $663 million during 2023-2027.
  • According to Luminate, vinyl sales exceeded $19.4 million within the first half of 2022 in the United States.
  • According to IBISWorld, in 2022, there are only 2,305 Record Stores businesses in the US.
  • Independent record stores rule. They are the last refuge for those who are looking for music that's outside of the box or outside of this decade - Chris Faller (The Hush Sound)

Top things to do in the US for Record Store Day

  • Enter a Record Story Day contest for a chance to win related prizes. Contest rules and entry are located on the Day's webpage while other contests are offered on social media pages controlled by Record Store Day.
  • Attend a Vinyl Record Fair. Fairs are held all across the United States and in bordering regions of Canada. They feature collectable records, independent vendors, rare records and the ability to purchase other record types such as cassettes, CDs and even books.
  • Watch a movie or documentary about record stores and their culture. Some of our favorites are: Empire Records (1995), 500 Days of Summer (2009), Nowhere Boy (2009) and Sound It Out (2011).
  • Purchase records from your local independent record store. On Record Store Day, many stores have new releases or exclusive old records available for purchase. Some of the larger record stores even have visiting artists that can autograph your new purchase.
  • In addition to purchasing records, purchase an official Record Store Day T-shirt, cap or bag to help the cause. The shirts have graphics and writing such as, I still buy records or record store day to help generate awareness for the day.

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