International Day of Light

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2025 DateMay 16, 2025
2026 DateMay 16, 2026

International Day of Light

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International Day of Light History

International Day of Light recognizes light as a vital tool for science, culture, art, education, and sustainable development. It endeavors to raise global awareness of how light-based technologies touch nearly every facet of our daily lives, affecting sectors such as medicine, communication, energy, and even agriculture. Another remarkable aspect is the stress on light's role in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

International Day of Light got its start on May 16, 2015, marking the anniversary of the day in 1960 when Theodore Maiman successfully operated the first laser. Possessing notable importance in America, it honors American scientists whose innovations in light technology have changed lives and promoted sustainability. The importance of light-based technologies is highlighted in various milestones of American progress - from the widespread use of LED lighting to sophisticated fiber-optic communications online.

In America, International Day of Light is observed with a myriad of events, ranging from educational programs to public outreach initiatives. Activities include lectures on light technology's role in sustainability, illuminating public landmarks, art installations, and student contests. In addition, discussions take place on cutting-edge technologies like solar power and high-speed internet that rely on light's properties. International Day of Light is observed annually on May 16, celebrating knowledge, culture, and the extraordinary potential of light.

International Day of Light facts

  • Light travels in a straight line. If objects are in its path, they will cause the light to bend or refract.
  • The speed of light is 186,282 miles or 299,792 km per second.
  • Radiant light can be produced through various processes, such as incandescence (light resulting from heat), fluorescence (light emitted by a substance when it absorbs light or other electromagnetic radiation), chemiluminescence (light from a chemical reaction), and bioluminescence (light produced by a living organism).
  • According to, it takes over 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach earth.

Top things to do in the US for International Day of Light

  • Discover events near you. UNESCO hosts activities and events for people of all ages and backgrounds. They participate globally so that everyone around the world can gain an appreciation for the central role of light in science and culture.
  • Stay informed about upcoming news. UNESCO periodically releases news about scientific progress involving light technology.
  • Check out the International Day of Light video if you missed it. It addresses how light science and technology can provide solutions to global challenges.

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