Star Wars Day

Star Wars Day Quick Facts in US

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Related Hashtags#MayThe4thBeWithYou
2025 DateMay 4, 2025
2026 DateMay 4, 2026

Star Wars Day

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Star Wars Day History

Star Wars Day seeks to celebrate all things Star Wars. Star Wars is a sci-fi space media franchise created by George Lucas. The original film, Star Wars (retitled Episode IV: A New Hope), was shown in 1977. The original book, Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, was first published in 1976. Since then, the Star Wars franchise has become the 5th highest-grossing media franchise of all time according to This day offers fans a chance to embrace the films, the books, and everything else related to Star Wars. Fans typically dress up as their favorite characters and there are special deals on movies, games, and books.

Star Wars Day has been celebrated since the creation of Facebook groups back in 2008. It was officially recognized by Lucasfilm and Disney in 2013. It is observed annually on May 4th, a date chosen for the pun, May the 4th (force) be with you.

Facts about Star Wars Day

  • According to the South China Morning Post, the Star Wars Saga franchise is worth more than $70 billion in 2022.
  • $11 million were spent on the production of the first Star Wars movie, which generated $775.4 million in revenue.
  • Many fans of the first three Star Wars movies swear by their original editions, which are apparently no longer commercially available. This led to the fan project called the "despecialized" editions, created by Petr " Harmy" Harmáček and his team. The despecialized editions remove all the changes introduced in later releases, such as special effects, that caused displeasure, outrage even, among the fandom. The project is available for free download online. The creators hope people who download it have purchased an available official release. The legal copyright holders of Star Wars have never acted against the project.
  • On this day in 2018, Heathrow Airport in London showed a cancelled flight to planet Alderaan. In the movies, planet Alderaan was destroyed by the "Death Star".
  • Fans in Edinburgh, Scotland have celebrated the day by having a massive lightsaber fight at the Meadows Park.

Top things to do in the US for Star Wars Day

  • Binge watch the Star War movies.
  • Dress up as a Star Wars character. Challenge your friends to do it too.
  • Mark the day for the Star Wars Day event at the Joliet Area Museum and the Joliet Public Library in Ottawa, Illinois on June 2nd. The admission is free.

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