St James TL / St Philip

St James TL / St Philip Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameSts. Philip and James the Apostles
2025 DateMay 3, 2025
2026 DateMay 3, 2026

St James TL / St Philip

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St James TL / St Philip History

The Observance of Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser pays tribute to two of the twelve Apostles found in the New Testament of the Bible. The importance of the day lies in the reverence it offers to Saint Philip, noted for his role as a missionary in the early Christian church, and Saint James the Lesser, known for his leadership within the Jerusalem church and authorship of an Epistle in the New Testament. These figures are highlighted for their dedication to spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ and demonstrating the virtues of kindness, humility, and faithfulness.

In the context of American history, Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser hold certain significance. Saint Philip is the patron saint of hatters and pastry chefs, demonstrating a reflection of diverse occupations within the American societal fabric. Saint James the Lesser, also known as James the Just, is often invoked for justice and mercy, resonating with the American ideals of fairness and equality. This observance also condones maintaining a servitude attitude towards community, something deeply ingrained in the American social fabric.

In America, the Observance of Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser (May 3rd) is typically marked with special church services that include sermons highlighting the lives and virtues of these two Apostles. The day may also be observed with personal prayers or communal gatherings where Bible readings focusing on their works are studied. This day does not have unique American attributes per se, but the principles it endorses - selflessness, kindness, and commitment to community - align with the classic American values. The observance of Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser takes place each year on May 3rd.

Facts about St James TL / St Philip

  • The mother of St James, Mary was either a sister or a close relative of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and for that reason, according to Jewish custom, he was sometimes called the brother of Jesus.

  • The Roman Catholic feast day of St. Philip and St. James, Apostles, is held May 3. It honors James, traditionally considered to be the brother of Jesus, and Philip, considered by scripture to be one of Jesus' earliest disciples (John: 1:43).
  • In the Orthodox Church, St. James is commemorated on October 22. St. Philip is revered on November 14.
  • St James the Lesser is the patron saint of hat makers, the dying and also one of the patron saints of Uruguay.
  • Philip teaches us ... to let ourselves be won over by Jesus, to be with him and also to invite others to share in this indispensable company; and in seeing, finding God, to find true life. - St. Benedict XVI

Top things to do in the US for St James TL / St Philip's Day

  • Read the Epistle of James. This is a letter that addresses several problems occurring in the early church involving the rich, lack of humility, and other issues.
  • Bake a pastry in honor of St. Philip since he is the patron saint of bakers.
  • Read the first chapter of the Gospel of John. Philip invites others to come and see what Jesus was teaching, a common theme in the Gospel of John.
  • Say a prayer for the dying in honor of St. James, who is the patron saint of those living their last days of mortal life.

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