Black Cat Appreciation Day

Quick Facts in the US

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Black Cat Appreciation Day

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Black Cat Appreciation Day History

Black Cat Appreciation Day highlights the beauty and uniqueness of black cats, whilst dispelling negative myths and superstitions. The day encourages raising awareness about black cats' plight in shelters, where they are less likely to be adopted due to unfounded biases. The day also provides a platform for animal lovers and organizations to share the joy and positive experiences of owning a black cat and promote their adoption, fostering unity among cat enthusiasts.

Black Cat Appreciation Day has gained popularity in the U.S. over the years as a response to centuries-old myths associating black cats with bad luck and witches. These misconceptions persist in contemporary culture, often causing discrimination against black cats. Black Cat Appreciation Day provides an opportunity for people in America to challenge these stereotypes and celebrate these often-misunderstood animals, drawing attention to their lovable characteristics and the happiness they bring to their owners.

To observe Black Cat Appreciation Day in America, individuals and organizations across the country host events, share stories and images of their beloved black cats on social media, and create educational resources to debunk negative stereotypes. Many animal shelters and rescue groups also offer special promotions for the adoption of black cats on this day, presenting an excellent opportunity for anyone considering adopting a pet. Black Cat Appreciation Day is celebrated annually on August 17th.

Black Cat Appreciation Day facts

  • Black cats have been a sign of both good and bad luck throughout history. Depending on the country or region, people have viewed them accordingly. For example in Medieval France and Spain, black cats were considered bad luck due to their association with witches. Medieval Germans considered themselves to be cursed if a black cat crossed their path. In the British Islands however, black cats were believed to bring wealth to any house they occupied. In Japan, they were considered to bring good luck. In Ancient Egypt, black cats were worshipped as sacred.
  • There are about 22 different breeds of cats with black coats according to World Animal Protection. The most common of them is the Bombay cat.
  • Black cats are thought to be more resistant to certain diseases. The mutation that causes black fur is in the same family of genes that offer resistance to diseases like HIV.
  • According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), black cats and dogs made up 30% of the incoming animals to pet shelters in 2020.

Top things to do in the US for Black Cat Appreciation Day

  • Go to a shelter and adopt a black cat. Black cats are stigmatized more than other species so they tend to be admitted to shelters more often.
  • Show your cat you appreciate them with a new toy or some catnip. Even if you don't own a black cat, show your feline friend that you care about them.
  • If you see any stray cats around your neighborhood, contact your local shelter. They can make sure the animals have proper housing and care.
  • Adopt a Black Cat. Many animal shelters offer discounts on black cat adoptions leading up to Black Cat Appreciation Day.

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