Ecuador Independence Day

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2026 DateAugust 10, 2026

Ecuador Independence Day

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Ecuador Independence Day History

Ecuador Independence Day celebrates the beginning of a process to gain independence from Spain. On this day in 1809, notable patriots who had formed a group called Junta Soberana de Quito informed the president of the Real Audiencia de Quito (the administrative unit set up by the Spanish colonizers) that he was relieved of his duties. This act was not taken lightly by Spain. This event is known as El Primer Grito de Independencia (first cry for independence). It was one of the first steps in the fight for independence in Latin America. For that reason Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is called Luz de América (Light of America).

Ecuador Independence Day facts

  • Ecuador has one of the highest biodiversity's in the world. Despite being around the same size as the state of Arizona, it has more plant and animal life than the entire United States. Moreover, for most groups of organisms, Ecuador has more species than the United States and Canada.
  • The Ecuadorian flag is yellow, blue and red. The yellow is for the gold, agriculture and other resources. The blue is for the ocean. The red is for the blood shed by heroes who fought for the country.
  • The most famous American of Ecuadorian descent is artist Christina Aguilera.
  • The Portuguese name for this holiday "El Dia del Primer Grito de Independencia de Quito" signifies the first declaration of independence in Latin America from European colonial force. It is considered the most memorable date in Ecuador, its anniversary is the most important national public holiday in Ecuador.
  • The country was named Ecuador, Spanish for 'equator', because the equator runs through the country.
  • Ecuador's independence is celebrated with patriotic parades, bull fights, fireworks, and other cultural events. In many cities, including the capital, Quito, major events leading up to independence and acted out by artists, including the significant Battle of Pichincha.

Top things to do for Ecuador Independence Day

  • Prepare the Ecuadorian dish Fanesca. This soup is traditionally served during Holy Week. Go here for ingredients and directions.
  • Watch the 1999 movie Ratas, ratones, rateros. It's about a petty thief in Ecuador whose life changes after a visit from his cousin, an ex-convict. The movie was nominated for a Spanish Goya Award.
  • Start reading the book Bodega Dreams by Ecuadorian-American author Ernesto Quiñonez.

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