National Mac And Cheese Day

United States
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2025 DateJuly 14, 2025
2026 DateJuly 14, 2026

National Mac And Cheese Day

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National Mac And Cheese Day History

National Mac and Cheese Day celebrates a beloved classic of American cuisine, macaroni and cheese. This day serves as a unique tribute to the creamy, comfort-food dish that has nestled its way into the hearts of children and adults across the country.

While the exact origins of National Mac and Cheese Day are undetermined, the culinary treat itself dates back centuries. Macaroni and cheese gained prominence in the United States after Thomas Jefferson served it at a state dinner in 1802 following his discovery of the dish in France. Widely popularized through boxed varieties and restaurant versions, mac and cheese has since evolved into a signature American staple.

National Mac and Cheese Day entices enthusiasts to celebrate their favorite dish by preparing and enjoying it in all its gooey glory. Whether homemade with gourmet cheeses and add-ins, cooked from a nostalgic box, or ordered from a favored restaurant, the day encourages Americans to savor the cherished dish in the spirit of appreciation. In the United States, National Mac and Cheese Day is observed every year on July 14th.

National Mac And Cheese Day facts

  • According to, the earliest recorded recipe of mac and cheese was written down in 1769 in northern Europe.
  • Macaroni and cheese was brought from France to the United States in the 1800s by Thomas Jefferson. He brought back noodle recipes and a pasta machine since they were unavailable in the colonies.
  • Kraft Foods first introduced their boxed macaroni and cheese in 1937. According to, due to the ongoing economic depression, the company was able to sell as much as 8 million boxes a year at 19 cents a box.
  • According to, 1 million boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese are sold everyday in the US.

Top things to do for National Mac And Cheese Day

  • Visit a Mac & Cheese restaurant. They may be offering special deals to celebrate the day.
  • Bake your own macaroni & cheese! Check out this recipe for creamy macaroni & cheese.
  • Host a macaroni & cheese bake off. Invite friends over to see who can bake the best macaroni & cheese.

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