7 Eleven Day

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7 Eleven Day Quick Facts

Hashtags#7ELEVEn, #7ElevenDay
2025 DateJuly 11, 2025
2026 DateJuly 11, 2026

7 Eleven Day

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7 Eleven Day History

7 Eleven Day celebrates the convenience store chain 7-Eleven. The observance is marked by various promotional events, special offers, and free giveaways, with the signature offering being a complimentary small-sized Slurpee drink provided to all customers visiting the stores during specified hours. In addition to gratifying the visitors, 7 Eleven Day helps increase foot traffic in the outlets and reinforces the brand's public image as a household name synonymous with accessibility and convenience.

The inception of this commemorative event dates back to 2002 when 7-Eleven Inc., a subsidiarity of the Japanese-owned Seven & i Holdings Co., decided to dedicate a day to celebrating its brand and giving back to the customers who contributed to its success. Since then, 7 Eleven Day has expanded into a widely-anticipated affair that attracts millions of people across North America, particularly in the United States and Canada – two countries with a significant number of 7-Eleven outlets.

Over the years, the giveaway has been supplemented with various customer engagement initiatives, such as limited-time products, extended deals, and social media campaigns, all designed to create an atmosphere of festivity and amazement. As 7 Eleven Day approaches each year, one can look forward to enjoying a free Slurpee on July 11th and engaging in the multifarious promotions orchestrated by the franchise. 7 Eleven day is observed annually on July 11th.

7 Eleven Day facts

  • 7-11 was founded in 1927 when several icehouse companies merged to form the Southland Ice Company in Dallas, Texas.
  • July 11th has been the busiest day for 7-Eleven stores for almost 2 decades.
  • 7-Eleven sells around 14 million Slurpee drinks each month, but on 7-Eleven Day this number surges dramatically.
  • The company is also one of the first convenience store chains to stay open 24 hours a day. This started in 1963 during a University of Texas football game.
  • The Slurpee was originated from a soda fountain owner, Omar Knedlik, who came out with the idea of a frozen drink after his soda machine broke down in the 1950s.

Top things to do for 7 Eleven Day

  • Head to 7-Eleven and get your favorite Slurpee. You can also mix flavors or try a new one.
  • Browse the different flavors of Slurpee. Popular flavors include Mountain Dew and Bloop Razzle.
  • Download the 7-Eleven app for rewards and points.


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