Saint James TG

Saint James TG Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameFeast Day of St. James, Feast Day of St. James the Apostle, Feast Day of St. James the Greater, Feast Day of St. James, son of Zebedee
Hashtags#StJamesDay, #SaintJamesDay
2025 DateJuly 25, 2025
2026 DateJuly 25, 2026

Saint James TG

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St James TG History

The Observance of Saint James TG, also known as Saint James the Greater, honors one of Jesus Christ's twelve apostles. Famed for his strong faith and dedication to spreading the gospel, Saint James holds a special place within Christianity. The commemoration of this revered apostle highlights his unparalleled bravery and commitment to the advancement of Christianity, emphasizing his steadfastness as a role model for believers worldwide.

Saint James the Greater is recognized for many of his accomplishments, including his missionary journeys to Spain, his leadership role in the early church, and his distinctive position as the first apostle to be martyred for his faith. This tale of unwavering devotion resonates with believers in America, who often celebrate his life through church services and activities to reiterate the importance of staying faithful in the face of challenges and difficulties.

In America, the Observance of Saint James TG is welcomed with various Church events and celebrations. Parishioners often attend Mass, participate in special prayers, and engage in acts of charity in honor of Saint James, as a means of commemorating his life and legacy. While specific traditions may vary depending on each Christian denomination, the common thread that unites this observance is the respect and admiration for the sanctity and sacrifices made by Saint James. The date of the observance of Saint James TG is July 25th, allowing American Christians to join in the global celebration of this important figure's life and works.

Saint James TG facts

  • New Testament readers first encounter James mending nets with his father, Zebedee, and his brother John. They were as dejected as their friends Simon and Andrew that they had caught nothing after a long night of fishing. Jesus directs Simon and Andrew to fish on the other side of the boat, and their nets nearly burst with all of the fish. They followed Jesus, then James and John accepted his invitation as well (Matthew 4:21-22, Mark: 1:19-20).
  • Legend has it that James evangelized Spain. He is the patron saint of that country. Although it is unlikely that his remains are really there, Spanish Catholics believe his body is entombed in Compostela (northwestern Spain).
  • James is the only one of the apostles whose martyrdom is recorded in the Bible. In Acts 12:1-2, Luke writes that James was executed with by sword by the order of King Herod in the year 44.
  • James, Peter, and John also were the only disciples to witness the miracle of Jesus raising Jairus' daughter from the dead (Mark 5:37, Luke 8:51).
  • The Feast of St. James the Greater is held in the Roman Catholic Church on July 25 and the Orthodox Church on April 30.

Top things to do in the US for St James TG

  • James is the patron saint of laborers. He received the designation because when Jesus called the disciple to follow him, James was working hard to mend his nets. Honor someone who works hard on his feast day in remembrance of St. James.
  • Go on the ancient pilgrimage to Compostela, Spain, to commemorate St. James on his feast day.
  • Go see artwork featuring Saint James, including this painting at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas. The 13th century painting by Italian artist Fra Angelico depicts a legend in which the saint ordered Christian convert Philetus to release Hermogenes, an imprisoned and repentant magician.
  • Many Catholic churches may hold special Masses or liturgies on this day, especially those with Spanish communities or connections to Spain. Attending a Spanish Mass can be a great way to honor Saint James the Greater.
  • Some cities, like New York City, have chapels or churches dedicated to Saint James the Greater. In NYC, the St. James Chapel is located in the iconic St. Patrick's Cathedral. You can visit and light a candle as a tribute to the saint.

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