Saint Thomas Day

Saint Thomas Day Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameSt Thomas The Apostle
2025 DateJuly 3, 2025
2026 DateJuly 3, 2026

Saint Thomas Day

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St Thomas History

Saint Thomas Day commemorates the life and works of Saint Thomas the Apostle, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. The day honors the saint's devotion to spreading the Gospel and his missionary trips to various parts of the world, including India. The day is significant to both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches and is observed by numerous cultural and religious communities worldwide.

The observance of Saint Thomas Day has its roots in early Christian tradition, where St. Thomas was revered as one of the original apostles. In the United States, the day holds special significance for American Christians, particularly those of Indian descent, as Saint Thomas is regarded as the founder of Christianity in India. Saint Thomas' missionary work in India led to the establishment of the Syrian Christian community, which has over time grown and flourished in the United States and other countries.

In America, Saint Thomas Day is observed through various religious activities such as prayer meetings, church services, and spiritual gatherings. Members of Christian communities come together to remember and honor the saint's commitment to promoting Christianity around the world. Saint Thomas Day is generally celebrated on December 21st in the Western tradition, which includes the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The Eastern Orthodox Church, on the other hand, commemorates the day on October 6th.

Saint Thomas Day facts

  • Thomas didn't believe the apostles when they saw Jesus the first time after the resurrection. He saw Jesus himself during his second appearance, and touched the wounds on his hands and side (John 20:24-29).
  • Church tradition says that Thomas traveled to eastern lands, including Persia, to evangelize to the people there about Jesus. He is thought to have settled in India.
  • An early church text claims that Thomas was the only witness to the Assumption of Mary into heaven. As her body entered heaven, she dropped her girdle. Medieval art often depicts Thomas catching the girdle.
  • Originally the feast day for St. Thomas was on Dec. 21, the shortest day of the year. All sorts of traditions surrounded the day, including serving meat pies and charitable giving.

Top things to do in the US for Saint Thomas Day

  • Read writings by St. Thomas. Several early church documents bearing Thomas' name are popular, including the Gospel of Thomas, which is a collection of Jesus' sayings. Other texts include the Acts of Thomas and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. None of these texts were included in the Bible.
  • Thousands of Indians claim to be descendants of the Christians that Thomas helped to convert. Join them on a pilgrimage in Paylador to the traditional spot of Thomas' tomb, Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of the Syro-Malabar Archdiocese of Trichur (Kerala, India).
  • If you are a single woman try a an ancient custom performed on the Feast of St. Thomas to get an idea who you will marry. Unmarried Austrian women would climb into bed over a stool, throw their shoes with toes pointing downward toward the bedroom door, and then sleep with their head at the foot of the bed. Women who performed this ritual were thought to dream about their future husbands.
  • Say a blessing prayer for your property on the feast of St. Thomas. A ancient custom was for farmers and their sons or hands to drive off evil spirits in preparation for Christmas. They were sprinkling holy water across the land, while other family members stayed inside and prayed the rosary.

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