National New Jersey Day

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National New Jersey Day Quick Facts

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National New Jersey Day

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National New Jersey Day History

National New Jersey Day(NJ) celebrates the state of New Jersey otherwise known as the Garden State. The former Attorney General of NJ, Abraham Browning is credited for the nickname when he gave a speech at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition in 1876. Browning said Our Garden State is an immense barrel, filled with good things to eat and open at both ends, with Pennsylvanians grabbing from one end and New Yorkers from the other.

New Jersey is known as a popular vacation destination as it has a long and scenic coastline with 50 seaside resort towns. These towns include Asbury Park, Atlantic City, and Cape May. New Jersey is also considered the Diner capital of the world with over 500 Diners that are typically open late.

National New Jersey Day facts

  • New Jersey was the site of more than 100 battles during the fight for American independence.
  • The world’s first boardwalk was constructed in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1870. It was constructed to reduce the amount of sand tracked into nearby hotels and railroad cars. As of 2012, the boardwalk remains the longest in the world, stretching about six miles.
  • New Jersey's state motto is Liberty and Prosperity.
  • The state wasn’t actually named after the channel island of Jersey in the English Channel, but after one of its ruling men, Sir George Carteret, the Bailiff of Jersey from 1643 to 1651.
  • New Jersey is one of the thirteen original colonies. It was the third state to ratify the U.S. Constitution and become part of the U.S.
  • The state has the most diners in the world and is a major hub for the pharmaceutical industry. Earning it the nicknames the "Diner Capital of the World" and "Medicine Chest of the World".

Top things to do for National New Jersey Day

  • Visit New Jersey! Go on historic tours, visit national parks, or just participate in leisure activities. Here are more things you can do in New Jersey.
  • Eat food special to New Jersey. Known as the Diner Capital of the World, some popular New Jersey foods include hoagies, pork rolls, salt water taffy, and tomato pies.
  • Watch a movie set in New Jersey. Here are our suggestions:
    Garden State (2004)
    Chasing Amy (1997)
    Clerks (1994)

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