Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameFeast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, San Giuseppe
Hashtags#StJoseph, #SaintJoseph
2025 DateMarch 19, 2025
2026 DateMarch 19, 2026

Saint Joseph

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St Joseph History

The feast of St Joseph commemorates Joseph, the husband of the virgin Mary and stepfather of Jesus. Joseph married Mary and later discovered that she was pregnant. Knowing that this child was not his own but not wanting any harm to come to her, he sent her away. Joseph only brought her back when an angel came to him in a dream explaining that the child Mary carried inside of her was conceived from the Holy Spirit. It is believed that Joseph died before Jesus began his public life as an adult as there is no mention of Joseph in the bible after Jesus' childhood. The feast of St. Joseph is celebrated annually on March 19th.

Facts about Saint Joseph

  • Joseph is noted in the Bible for being a direct descendant of King David in the Old Testament, which gives him a royal lineage (Matthew 1:1-16, Luke 3:23-38).
  • St. Joseph actually has two feast days in the Roman Catholic Church. The March 19 date celebrates him as husband of Mary. He is revered again on May 1 as a worker. In the Orthodox tradition, Joseph is revered during the Great Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord in September.
  • St Joseph is the patron saint of workers. He is also the patron saint of the dying because it is believed he died with Jesus and Mary close to him.
  • It is a wise father that knows his own child - William Shakespeare

Top things to do in the US for Saint Joseph's Day

  • Practice carpentry skills to build something. Jesus is known as the son of a carpenter, or builder. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of carpenters.
  • Visit an Italian bakery and pick up St Joseph's bread (Pane di San Giuseppe). St. Joseph's Bread is typically made with egg and has a thicker crust. It is often marked or shaped in a cross.
  • Investigate your lineage. Genealogy can sometimes yield interesting information about where we came from. Maybe you come from royal lineage, too!
  • Joseph raised a child that was not his own. Thank a man who has served as a father for someone else's children.
  • Enjoy Italian food in St. Joseph's honor. He is one of the most beloved saints in Italian-American communities.

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