Zero Discrimination Day

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Zero Discrimination Day Quick Facts

2025 DateMarch 1, 2025
2026 DateMarch 1, 2026

Zero Discrimination Day

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Zero Discrimination Day History

Zero Discrimination Day aims to celebrate individuality, inclusion and human rights while promoting tolerance, compassion and peace. Zero Discrimination Day aims to celebrate individuality, inclusion and, human rights. It also aims to promote tolerance, compassion, and peace. Discrimination refers to the selective practice of unfairly treating a person or a group of people differently than others due to factors such as religion, gender, race, sexuality, age, or disability. Despite laws and education, discrimination continues to be a wide-spread problem throughout the world.

Zero Discrimination Day was first celebrated in 2013 by the United Nations HIV/AIDS Program UNAIDS. The following year, the UN and other global organizations officially celebrated the day in an effort to promote everyone’s right to live a full life with dignity regardless of age, gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, height, weight, profession, education, and beliefs.

Facts about Zero Discrimination Day

  • According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the most common types of discrimination in the US are national origin and race discrimination.
  • According to the UN Programme on HIV & AIDS (UNAIDS), there are about 80 countries that still have laws that discriminate against same-sex relations.
  • According to UNAIDS, approximately 30 countries worldwide impose travel restrictions on people with HIV/AIDS.
  • Stigma and discrimination damage people and fragment societies. People should never have to suffer in fear and darkness — Michel Sidibe, Executive Director of UNAIDS

Top things to do for Zero Discrimination Day

  • Print out your favorite butterfly to represent Zero Discrimination Day and take a picture of yourself holding it to post on social media. Butterflies of all colors with different messages in different languages are available on the UNAIDS site.
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtag #zerodiscrimination and posting photos, videos and articles in support of the cause.
  • Watch a movie or documentary about HIV/AIDS. Some popular suggestions: Dallas Buyers Club (2013), Philadelphia(1993), Longtime Companion (1990), The Age of AIDS (2006) and AIDS, Inc (2007). People infected with AIDS/HIV have always been subject to discrimination and these movies/documentaries help understand more about the infection and the obstacles that those infected have encountered.
  • Research the topic of bullying, a form of discrimination that is very common in North America. Learn some of the signs of bullying in order to help victims regain self-esteem and embrace individuality. According to the Violence Prevention Organization, signs such as fear of going to school or taking part in activities, bad dreams, being sad and anxiety from low self-esteem are exhibited by bullying victims.
  • Donate to an organization that fights against discrimination. Many organizations such as the Impact Fund, Coalition Against Religious Discrimination and the Anti-Discrimination Network aid victims of discrimination while helping them to regain their rights and dignity.

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