World Meteorological Day

Quick Facts in the US

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2025 DateMarch 23, 2025
2026 DateMarch 23, 2026

World Meteorological Day

World Meteorological Day in

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World Meteorological Day History

World Meteorological Day, organized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), highlights the contribution of meteorological and hydrological services to society. It brings attention to the vital role these services play in providing timely information on weather conditions and climate trends. The day sparks global, national, and local conversations on ways to address weather, climate, and water-related challenges. It underscores the importance of early warning systems, environmental protection, sustainable development, and global cooperation in weather forecasting.

World Meteorological Day was first observed on March 23, 1961, marking the date in 1950 when the WMO was established. For American audiences, this day emphasizes the importance of meteorological services on both national and local levels. It recognizes institutions like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its essential services such as weather prediction, drought mitigation, and climate monitoring. Each year, the WMO assigns a theme for the observance. Within these themes, issues pertinent to America like climate change, severe weather preparedness, and water resources management are often highlighted.

In the United States, World Meteorological Day is observed through various activities such as educational fairs, workshops, seminars, and weather-related competitions. Meteorological agencies, scientific institutions, and schools often lead these activities, promoting awareness and understanding of meteorology and its impacts. Other observances may include media campaigns emphasizing the importance of meteorology in daily life and long-term planning. World Meteorological Day is celebrated each year on March 23rd.

Facts about World Meteorological Day

  • The theme for World Meteorological Day in 2025 was Closing the early warning gap together, in 2024 it was At the frontline of climate action, and in 2023 was The Future of Weather, Climate and Water across Generations.
  • According to the World Meteorological Organization, the global mean temperature in 2023 increased by 1.45 C compared to 1850-1900 average, it was the warmest year on record, and global sea level increased 4.3 in since 1993.
  • According to UNICEF, about 700 million people around the world could be displaced due to intense water scarcity by 2030.
  • By 2030, we see a world where all nations, especially the most vulnerable, are more resilient to the socioeconomic consequences of extreme weather, climate, water and other environmental events; and underpin their sustainable development through the best possible services, whether over land, at sea or in the air. - World Meteorological Organization

Top things to do in the US for World Meteorological Day

  • Explore the online World Meteorological Organization Library. View reports and publications about the climate and what can be done to save it.
  • View upcoming events that focus on climate issues.
  • Watch documentaries that focus on climate issues to understand how we can resolve them. Here are our suggestions:
    2040 (2019)
    Our Planet (2019)
    Before the Flood (2016)

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