World Bee Day

World Bee Day Quick Facts in the EU

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World Bee Day

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World Bee Day History

World Bee Day, celebrated on May 20th, aims to raise awareness and highlight the significance of bees and other pollinators for global food security, biodiversity, and environmental sustainability. It emphasizes the essential role played by bees in pollinating roughly 75% of the world's crops, which contribute to a healthy ecosystem and maintain the balance in nature. Bees and other pollinators face numerous threats, including habitat loss, pesticides, diseases, and climate change. The day seeks to encourage public, institutional, and governmental support to protect and preserve bees and promote sustainable practices.

The proposal to celebrate World Bee Day was first introduced by Slovenia and swiftly endorsed by the European Union, which recognized the importance of ensuring bee welfare considering their ecological and economic impacts. In December 2017, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the proposal, paying tribute to the Slovenian beekeeping pioneer, Anton Janša, who is known for his advances in modern beekeeping techniques and education in the 18th century. The day also aims to honor the countless beekeepers who contribute to the preservation of bees and their habitats.

World Bee Day is celebrated annually on May 20th, which coincides with the birthdate of Anton Janša. The event involves numerous educational activities, workshops, exhibitions, and other initiatives organized by governments, organizations, and the public to raise awareness about the significance of bees and the need to protect them for the present and future generations.

World Bee Day facts

  • According to the UN, about 35% of invertebrate pollinators (bees and butterflies) face global extinction due to human impact.
  • A single honeybee can produce around 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
  • A typical honeybee colony can consist of 20,000 to 80,000 bees during peak season.
  • The European Union is home to over 13 million bee colonies, which produce about 200,000 tons of honey annually.
  • Bees play a vital role in the European Union's agricultural economy, pollinating hundreds of crops and contributing an estimated €22 billion annually to the nation's agricultural output.

Top things to do in the EU for World Bee Day

  • Do what you can to help bees! Plant native plants and flowers, avoid using pesticides or herbicides, and purchase honey from local farmers.
  • Explore a collection of poems about bees and their importance.
  • Watch a movie about the role of bees in European Union. Here are our top picks:
    1. Bees: A Honeyed History (2022) - A documentary by Gyula Gazdag that explores the historical and cultural significance of bees in Europe, touching upon their spiritual role, economic importance, and environmental value.
    2. The Pollinators (2019) - Directed by Peter Nelson, this film delves into the world of managed honeybees and their impact on European and American agriculture, highlighting their essential role in pollination and food production.
    3. The Keeper of the Bees (2013) - A short documentary by Taggart Siegel about the life of a Slovenian beekeeper who is passionate about saving local beehives in the face of an increasingly industrialized world.
  • Visit a local gardening center and do some bee-friendly planting. On World Bee Day, many botanical centers in the European Union offer workshops that instruct on how to create a bee-friendly garden to attract bees and provide them with food and habitat.

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